Chapter 1

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Rebal's POV.....
Waking up in the morning to an annoying alarm clock is how I usually start my day. Rolling out of bed and getting ready for the day is no easy fret in my big house. The master bedroom takes up the whole top floor. The bottom floor is the kitchen, dining room, theater and game room. After my shower and getting ready for the day. I head downstairs grabbing an apple, my helmet and key on the way out the door. I head for my bike and race to my shop, I park out front. A little info on me My name is Rebel and I own most of the small town I live in I am also renting out one of my houses to an MC that my best friend joined a long time ago. I'm now ready to and head to my shop on my motorcycle. I pull up beside the other vehicles in the lot. I go in straight to my office and get paper work done then around noon order food from my restrant. Half way through the day I have the bells in my shop go off which is wierd because no one comes in till later becuse my tattoo artists like to work at night making most of my appointments during the night. So I head into the main part of the parler to see who it is and see Snake my best friend looking around my shop.. I stop were i'm at and watch for a secound and look around and see he has 3 other guys with him. I jump over the counter and attached Snake in a hug "Damn snake it was boring without you here." I looked at the guys that sourounded him and asked"Who are these fools you brought into my shop?" He chuckled saying "This is Reaper,Greasy and Pablo there part of the MC." "Well what can I do for you boys?" I jumped back on the other side of the counter again and looked at the computer seeing which of my employees are coming in and which appointments they have. One of the men answered I think his name was Reaper, "Were looking for new ink and a job." I pretend that I was thinking about before saying "Im the best artist most of the stuff hanging on the walls is my art along with all my employees they show there art here hopeing to bring in customers. I dont just hire anyone I dont do background checks so I like to get to know my employees first. My employees earn there place starting by making me money then they earn there paycheck making them better artist and hopefully one day they can have there own place." The guys nodded as I said most of this I looked at my art hanging on the walls proud of all my pieces on the wall. "What if someone stills?" I chuckle at this question and reach down to my boot pulling out my hunting knife I have stached there and fling it across the room landing right beside the man I think his name is Greasy. " I don't miss." They all chuckle and the man, Reaper pulled the knife out of the wall and handed it back to me as I took it from I said "Snake your place is still up across town if you want we can check it out tommorow I need to stop by anyway the kids are missing me." He looks stunned rembering the place he always wanted across town a place for kids that they can relax and the orphans to have a place to stay. "Its still up and running?" He asked teary eyed holding his chest. "Yes after you left I didnt think your dream needed to be distroyed I changed a few things but I can go show you tommorow." He nodded and was fixing to say something when his phone went off. He answered right away and barley said two words before he nodded to the guys and said " We have to go we will go see it tommorow but we have to go now and we will schedule our tattoos later." I nodded and waved them buy as they left. I went back to my computer and saw no one came in today so I packed up and left the store and headed out to the grocery store before heading to my little cabin that is behind the MC club house. Owning most of the town has its perks including a large income and a lot of responsablility. I made me something to eat before heading out again to my bar to do more paperwork this being my main office I do paperwork for all of my stores I do truck for the grocery store, my tattoo shop, the bar and the gas station. By the time have most of the paperwork done and the truck orders in its 4 in the morning so I lock up my office and head to the main part of the bar and mingle with my half drunk customers and helping my bar tenders with last call before I lock up after everyone and head back to my tattoo shop because I left my bike there. I get there and theres a man standing outside of my shop. I pull my gun out of the back of my pants and hold it close to my back as I get closer. I sneak up behind him and hold the gun to his head. "Why are you outside my shop that was closed hours ago and theres no one out here." He pulls his hands up so I can see them saying "I came to see my uncle he is with the MChere and I couldn't find it so I came here like they said." I nodded and looked at him seeing he is wearing a different cut then the other guys here. "You have a gun on you?" He nodded so I searched him pulling his gun off of him and nodded for him to follow me. I got on my bike and put on my helment and cranked up my baby and nodded for him to follow me as I took off towards the club house. As we pull up I drive past the prospect at the door and parked as I pulled the boy off his bike and dragged him inside as the prospect followed as helled at us saying were not allowed in, fuck him its my house. I stop infront of the bar were I can see Snake sitting knowing I can't make it to him I push the boy to his knees and point a gun at his head and one at the prospects head and fired barley scrapping his check he held his check grunting but it served its purpose I got everyones attention. I held the boy closer before whispering in his ear " I never hurt anyone who hasn't done anything wrong so just play along and you won't get hurt eather way." Snake spoke first " Come on Rebel you gave me a scare, prospect back to your post she won't shoot again unless you do something stupid like reach for your gun." He nodded and backed away before heading back to the gate I guess. "Whos the boy here Snake I've been up 24 hours Im tired and just wanted to go home." He nodded but didn't speak a man with the patch Prez spoke "He's my nephew and I would apperatiate if you let him go." I nodded helping the boy to his feet before heading toward Snake and snatched up the beer infront of Reaper before nodding to Snake and heading out. "Wait, who are you and how did ou get in here?" The prez asked as I was walking out of the room. "I'm tired and hungry so I'm going home but I'm Rebel the richest person in this city and the owner of this house, so I got in because I come in every night I live in the cabin in the back." I didn't wait for his responce and headed home.

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