Chapter 5

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Rebel's POV

After getting home from the Orphan house with Josephine and her twins and got them setted in the guest room. For a while I'm holding the twins and taking care of them while Josephine is taking a shower and getting ready for the day. "Would you like to set up the room next door for the twins its emtpy? The door though the walk in closet leads strait in there and I have a door in my room so it would be safe and I could help as much as possible."  She nodded and helped me get the girls ready to go out we changed there daiper and clothes before setting them in there car seats and put them in the truck with there daiper bag and stuff.  I headed to the drivers seat and headed to the local babies 'r us. When we got there I grabbed a basket before heading back to the  truck to get the twins. We looked at matching cribs, a changing tabel with lots of room for diapers and wipes, and book shelfs for the clothes so there easy to reach. "Will you go find someone who can help us with these Josephine?" She nods before talking I stay were I am checking to make sure the girls are okay. A few mintues later Josephine comes back with someone behind her, "How may I help yall today?" "I need the white matching cribs, the changing table with the three shelfs, and two of the white book shelfs." He nods writing down the prices of the items I wanted. "We are still looking around but will you put those in the back of my truck its the blue dodge ram." He nods and we head off towards the baby clothes getting serval outfits for each twin some matching ones then grabbed daipers and wipes. We head to check out were the guy that helped with the furiture is standing. After ringing everything up it came out to almost 400 dollars, I shrugged and paid for it. After getting the twin and all the clothes and stuff into the truck along with checking the straps on the furniture. We head back to my cabin to put together the girls room. It took us the rest of the day to put it together and get everything were it belongs. By the time we were done we were both tired the twins slept through most of it. We put on a movie to watch while the twins have "tummy time". Halfway through the movie theres a knock on the door I get up to go answer it leaving the girls in the living room. I find Snake at the door fixing to knock again but I swing it open before he can. "Hey Rebel umm you got voted into our table the Prez wants to see you are our new Sarg. at arms." I nod and head back inside to let Josphine know that I have to go but Ill be back a little later then I head back out to snake and walk inside strait to the Prez's office. "I hear y'all voted me to the table that mean I get a vote in the distions in the club." He nods "That and some desitions that are made outside the table your my right hand you help me with desions that I need help making." I nod while he stands up heading for the door. "Lets go introduce you to the club offically as our new Sargent at arms." he grabs a box off of a book shelf before heading out with Snake and I following after him. After Prez introduced me to the club he had pulled me to the side and we talked about all the club business on and around the table almost an hour later I said" I think its about time I head home." He nods but before I head back out the door I head over to Reaper. "I hear it you who I have to think for my seat at the table." He nods saying "No need to think me I am just wanting change and a female at the table is what we need."  I nod along and sigh" I have to get going I have 3 girls at home who need my help I'll see you at church in the morning." I walk out the door and head for my cabin and head strait for bed.

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