Chapter 6

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Reapers POV

Waking up from a nightmare in the middle of the night is not exactly how I hoped to be woken up. I sigh and rub my hand down my face and head to the bathroom and fo my business before washing my hands and face. I sigh once again and head down to gym and start working out, I have music blasting as I hit the bag over and over before heading to the wieght as I set the wieght down my music gets turned off. I turn around towards were my speaker and phone are set up to find tiny standing there in leather pants, a baggy t-shirt and her new cut close to her chest. I head over to her
"Hey Sarg whats up?" I see her sholders shake as she rolls her eyes.
"I need someone to go on my first run with me to make sure I'm commited to the club and I want someone who I can count to have my back along with someone who hasn't seen me in action that way I cover all the basis. Plus Prez thinks we have a rat so I need to figure out who and I need someone to tell all my problems to and you are the one who has to to back me so I figured you would be okay with me telling you all this." I nod most of it till the last part.
"What about Snake?" She sighs and shakes her head
"I love Snake but he would tell me its too dangerous to just jump into Club business he would secound guess every distion I made." She shurged and headed for the door.
"If you want to have my back we leave in 2 hours be there or I'll find someone else to have my back Reaper." She left before I could tell her if I was going or not. I shook my head and turned my music back on before heading back to the wieghts. About 30 minutes later I was done with my workout and headed to my room I took my shower and packed my bag I guess I'm going, I'm the one who put Tiny in that chair I'm the one who will have her back. I head to my bike and pull it into the garage so I can get it tunned up before we leave. I grabbed Tiny's as well to get it tunned up no reason my Sarg. should go on a run without having a tune up before hand. I make sure both bikes havn't been tampered with before pulling them back in the lot and puting packs on the back to carry our stuff while were on the road. About 30 minutes later Ghost runs up to me.
"I'm going with ya Prez said so he got to pick out of the new recrutes, I'm going to get my bike tuned up." He rushes away as fast as he got here, guess thats why hes Ghost. A little over 2 hours sense I saw Tiny she walks out the door with her helmet and bag in hand, dressed in skinny jeans, a black tank top with her cut on top.

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