Chapter 8

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Reaper POV

Watching Tiny take over the charter like a boss was amazing in less then 12 hours she had complete control. After someone got her coffee and the charters prez came downstairs, he looked like hell. I guess having your ass handed to you by the main charter Prez can be a lot to handle and Tiny was not gentle with the take over either.

Tiny stood up and walked over to the prez, "What is your name?" I walked over and stood beside her I am here to back her up if she needs it but from what I have seen she really doesn't need it but it does make someone feel powerful when someone stands by them no matter what they do. I have to say watching Tiny is intoxicating. Last night after she sent me to lock up instead of going to bed I stood by guarding her all night I didn't want anyone to pull anything while she was handling what she needed to.

"Skull" The Prez said and all Tiny did was nod before pushing him onto his knees and standing behind him to address everyone else.

"I am Tiny I am the New Sarg. of the main charter I am here to clean up your act and I have free reign to do as I please from here on until I say I am in charge. You can ask 'Skull' here if you like but all of you are on lock down till I figure out what to do next. Now here is whats going to happen, Ghost take 'Skull' back to his room everyone else to church." Everyone started moving as soon as the last word came out of her mouth.

"Reaper go get the books off the desk in the office please I have to see where this money is going or I'm going to start killing they shouldn't have woken me up, I'm in a really bad mood." I nodded and watched as she walked into church and perched herself on the Prez's seat with no care. I raced to the office and grabbing the books I saw Tiny going through yesterday and raced back. I set the books down in front of Tiny before standing behind her beside Ghost who is just silently standing there.

"Alright before we get started I have 2 rules. Do not lie to me and Do not try getting out of this, If you break either one of these rules I will take you upstairs so everyone can hear you scream while I get you to tell me everything I need to know then kill you." I visibly saw everyone straiten up and give Tiny there full attention after that threat. I had to stand more behind her to hide the hard on I had going in my jeans and it wasn't an easy problem to hide.

After hours of not getting any answers after hours of questions Tiny gave up. She stood up and walked around the table all you could hear in the room were her heals clicking as she slowly walked around the room. When she stopped it was behind the V.P.

"Your it" She whispered load enough for the whole room to hear before nodding to Ghost and I. "Take him to the office and chain him on his knees everyone else your dismissed. Someone make some food and bring some up for us." I didn't hesitate before grabbing the man and yanking him up. I grabbed one of his arms while Ghost grabbed the other and we dragged him to the office before chaining him down on his knees in the middle of the space facing the desk.

Tiny walked into the office after us looking tired, "Ghost go make sure someone is making us something to eat, Reaper you and I are going to take a nap, wake us up when you get back with food please Ghost." We both nodded and I fallowed Tiny into the room she was sleeping in earlier. As I walked in she was falling face first into the bed.

"I guess you really are tired but why did you ask me to come in with you?" I asked as I took off my boots and laid beside her. " I figured you could use a nap to seeing as you watched over me all night." I chuckled and sighed "I thought I was pretty sneaky about it, but yeah I could use a nap." I lied down and soon I was out like I light.

The next time I woke I heard screaming coming from the next room. I lifted up and didn't even bother putting my boot back on I just walked into the next room and leaned on the door way and I took in the view before me.

Tiny was sitting behind the desk working on paperwork while ghost was beating on the V.P. I walked over to Tiny and leaned down to see what she was working on. "Nice to see you awake would you like to join Ghost I think hes letting some steam off before we get started." I just shook my head, walked around the desk and turned one of the chairs sitting there to face the V.P. For a good 30 minutes I watched Ghost beat the hell out of the V.P. While Tiny just worked on paperwork like the guys screaming was back ground music.

"That's enough Ghost give the guy a drink maybe he wants to talk now." Tiny said never looking up from her paperwork. I watched as Ghost did what Tiny asked him to do.

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