Chapter 2

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Reapers POV

 Our charter moved from a big town just outside Idaho to a small town in Texas called Buffy. There's everything an MC would need there's a bar, a tattoo shop, a grocery store and so so much more its a small town but big enough for an MC. We follow our prezident into the small town or vice prezident, Snake, Points to me, Greasy , and Poblo, to follow him to the tattoo shop. I guess its time to get our tattoos we have been wanting forever now but Snake told us to wait in till we go to his home town I guess hes the one who asked us to move our MC. We pulled in to a really nice motorcycle and climb off our bikes.We were quite as we approached the small tattoo shop. As we went inside you can see the leather materials and posters of bikes everywhere you looked, damn this guy knows his stuff. A few minutes after we are all inside  a small woman came around the counter and whispered " Snake???". How does this woman know Snake I mean this is his home town so I...... I never got to finish my thought as I watched the tiny woman jump over the counter and latched onto Snake saying" Damn Snake it was boring without you here." Not knowing the woman i took an extra step closer to snake encase she tried something, I guess the guys had the same idea because we all took an extra step forward at the same time. I was watching the tiny woman when she said " Who are these fools in my shop??" I was stumped how can a tiny thing like her own this shop I mean there's bikes and leather everywhere I look. Chuckling Snake introduces us to the Tiny woman. "This is Reaper, Greasy and Poblo there part of the MC." We nod as our names are called when I look back at her on the other side of the counter."Well what can I do for you boys?" She looked complete disintrested looking at her computer and scanning the screen. "Were looking for new ink and a job." What she said next through me though a loop. "I'm the best artist most of the stuff hanging on the walls is my art along with my employees they show there art here hoping to bring in customers. I don't hire anyone I don't know, I don't do background checks so I like to get my employees first. My employees earn there place by making me money first then they earn there paycheck making them better artists and hopefully one day they can have there own place." I am shoked this woman makes the work place competitive and well worked for so your not handed anything you work for it. Im in my own head while Snake talks to the Tiny woman. I'm pulled out of my head when Snakes phone rings. He nods towards us telling us its time to go.          


After the emergency meeting Prez called we all crouded around the bar for the night I can't seem to get the Tiny woman out of my head, she put us all in our place. I get pulled out of my head once again this time by gun fire I spin around and see Tiny there once again but with a gun put the Prez's nephew's head and one pointed at a procpects head. Damn this woman is everywere and is being a pain in the but being ii my head I miss the conversation only to come back with my beer gone and Tiny leaving, damn.
I drink for a few more hours chatting with Snake and Prez before I find a Club slut to bang. I head to my room and get busy not really enjoying it and just kick the girl out. Damn I'm still hard as rock I wrap my hand around myself and think of Tiny and cum instantly. Damn it!

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