Chapter 3

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Rebel's POV

After the late night, I had last night, I slept in today, and didn't get to my tattoo shop till noon. When I got there I saw 5 bikes and I reconized 2 out of 5 of them as being the 2 people that worked here, they come in to work and take in walk ins. The other 3 must be from the M.C. do the symbol on the side of their bikes. I climbed off my bike, while taking off my helment then headed inside. When I walked in Ronald, Snake, Reaper, Greasy, and Pablo were sitting up front. As I walked into the door Kim was coming out the back with a customer telling them how to take care of the tattoo and taking their payment putting it in her jar. "Good morning everyone, Kim don't skip on my part." She sighed pulling half the payment out and putting in my jar. I thought hehehehe I'm evil ohh well she will get it back in supplies and ink. Anyway I nodded to everyone before going into my office, I needed to get some paperwork done before I showed Snake to his place. I was by myself maybe 30 minutes before Snake knocked on my door."Enter"I  said "I'm not in a very good mood this morning I guess it's because I need more sleep"."When are we going to go to my place?" I sighed that's what he wanted."What you don't want to spend time with me." I acted hurt holding my chest while I shut off my computer. "Come one I'm joking let's go see your play house." I said joking some more, I love the place as much as he does if not more. We head out to the front, I pulled the cash from my jar and head out to my bike making sure that I have my keys and helmet. Snake nods to the guys and we head out. "Keep up, I'm not waiting on anyone." I started my baby and took off, not even looking to see if their following me. I head to the Orphan house. It takes us about 10 minutes before we pull up beside it. It's this huge mansion that has kids outside with care takers walking around and some parents whose kids come here after school. I pull my helment off and look around the place, it has really changed since the last time Snake was here, it was falling apart, and was not as big. When I had enough money I couldn't let the place go so I expanded the place and add playgrounds, along with work out areas for older teens, it's paradise for the town who needed a break for the night or have plans for the day. I nod to the head care taker and she comes up to me with a clip board with information on it. It has the bills, the names and ages of the kids here. I look and see that we have 3 new kids who couldn't find a home else where, mostly teens and a baby boy that has serable polcy. I see all the supplies I need to order, the diapers for the babys, the clothes for the kids that are starting school here in a couple of days, I sigh god running all these places is becoming exausting. I'm tired all the time and barley have enough time to sleep let alone hang out with friends. "Come on Snake let me show you around." I got off my bike and headed inside with Snake, Reaper, Greasy, and Pablo behind me. I keep the clip board with me and the care taker walks away. I look through for the names of the new arrivels, I wave over a care taker in the pair of dark blue scrubs meaning she works with the teens. "I need to see the new arrival's you have two in your care I would like to see." I sigh and follow the lady waving Snake on. "We will go great the new arrival's then I will show you around properly but bussiness first." We came to the indoor work out area and I see 2 teenagers who aren't with everyone else. I wave the care taker off and head over to the kids. "Karly and Tim I'm guessing, I'm rebel and this is Snake, we own the place and have a few rules other then that you can do your own thing." They nodded and Karly asks "Will we be here long this place is paradise" I nod. "This place is diiferent from all the rest you will have care around the clock all the people in Dark blue are here to take care of you and you are to listen to them if they ask you to do something, now that has reasonable bounds if you think it is not safe or afraid of what they are asking you to do. Find the lady in light pink she is the head care taker and reports straight to me and I will be notified immediatly it will be taken care shortly after that. Anyways Rule 1: There is a curfew of midnight and school nights its 11. Rule 2: School is a must, no skipping if I hear you are I will pick you up personally. Rule 3: No Fights, or drugs. Other then that you are free to do as you please. When school starts you will be given a phone, a computer, and eveything else you will need. Any questions?" They both shook their heads no so I nodded"One more thing, no one here is going to judge you this place is for people who can't find a home and you can stay here till you find your place in the world." They nodded and I walked towards the nursery for our extra care babys. When I got there I turned my head towards the guy behind me sighing "This is an extra care nursery please be quiet I should be done here soon." I walk in and leave the door open so they can see inside. I walk towards one of the care givers wearing green scrubs. "I'm looking for baby Elijah." He nods and leads me to a crib that has a heart moniter hooked to it. When I peak inside theres a little girl, she has the greenest eyes and a tube down her nose with the divise hooked to her tiny chest. I reach in being very careful I lift the tiny baby into my arms. I walk towards snake taking the heart montitor with me. "Hold your arm like I am." He does but he looks scared hehehehe this baby is smaller then normal but she will grow to be strong with the care givers and older kids taking care of her. He holds her while I talk to the care giver about her meds and the rest of the extra care baby's here making sure the checks from the government are paying for the meds. "Snake I would like you to meet sweet baby elijah she's 2 weeks old she was reliesed into our care 2 days ago and is the sweetest baby." After a while and making all of the M.C. men hold her, she starts getting fussy and ready for a nap so we leave the nursery to let the baby's sleep. "That there is our extra care nursery and the door to the left it the regular nursery. This door at the end of the hall is the babys that are old enough to crawl they have room in there to move around freely learn to walk and on. This whole floor is for baby's till the age of 2 except for the extra care ones they stay till they have reached the level of walking and talking carrectly and every floor from here are bed rooms for kids 3 and older. Lets go to the top floor I have someone I want yall to meet. We take the elevator to the top floor and when we reach the top floor I hear a baby screaming and instantly run towards the room to see a cradle knocked over the baby being okay but screaming I look around seeing a man on top of the girl I wanted Snake to meet. All I see is red, when I come to again the man is under me and Reaper is holding me back while Pablo checks his pulse and shakes his head meaning the man is dead. I shake Reaper lose and head for Jennifer and the twins. I hear snake for Greasy and Pablo to get ride of him discreetly. I check Josephine over and pull her close knowing the man that was on top of her was the man that fathered her children, her step dad.

After everything was cleaned up and Josephine  was packed to head to my house the babys in the back of her old beat up truck. I turn toward Snake "I'm sorry I lost control I haven't lost control like that in a while, but that man raped her and got her pregnant then tried killing the baby's when he found out. She got shelter here so I'm goiong to take her to my place sinc e this place is no longer safe for her." He nods and pulls me into a hug whispering in my ear "Its okay we will take care of it, thank you for keeping my dream alive and making it better" I nodded and headed home. I'm done for the night so I'm just going to help Josephine set up her room.

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