Story time

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I just wanted you guys to have something to laugh about and I have some news. 

I will start with something funny, Okay story time hold your belts. Okay for those who really don't know were I'm from by the way I type I'll tell ya, I am from a small town just out side Plainview Texas. I live in Lubbock Texas. I went to Sam's today with my mom, uncle, brother and one of my sisters. On the way out of the parking lot after we had gotten our stuff we saw a lady in a black thing, I thought it was a towel clearly it was a curtain. Anywho not even two rows over I look out my window to see a little boy who looks about 3 bent down holding his back and that's not the funny part my window is down and were going slow enough I could hear him as his parents stand beside him the little boy yells "I have to poop" God that made my day with exams coming up and all that its fun to get a good laugh so I told my brother because he says that all the time and the whole time I couldn't keep a strait face. Not even 30 minutes later my brother is screaming threw the house holding his back " I got to poop" and that ladies and gents is what I get from my 16 year old brother when I was in the bathroom.  I hope you had as good as a laugh as I did, man did they make my day.   

Anywho, news I am writing a second book for the series but am trying to finish this one first so updates are slow and scarce.  

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