Chapter 4

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Reaper's POV

After helping the boys clean up I head to the club house were the prospect hands me a beer. I head strait to my room to change and head to the gym. I worked out for hours and when I finally thought I was done my whole body was sore. I grabbed all my stuff and headed for my room to take a shower and get dressed.  Its been a ruff week, meeting Tiny, the shoot out, figuring out that Tiny owns the town and the club payes her every month to stay in her house knowing she lives outback in a cabin. I shake my head heading downstairs I grab a beer as Prez calls church I grab my bear and head for the table. I take my seat at the left side of the table beside Prez. We talk about the runs we have coming up and whos going. I speak up before church is over, "Snake grew up here theres this girl ,Tiny, we cleaned up a dead body behind her she can kill man. We use her for hacking already I want to vote her in not as an old lady not enough respect a member times have changed and I think its time we did too. Shes can be sarg with the way we handle stuff. We have an open chair." he nodds the whole time im saying this.  "I agree we do need to change with the times, but this girl Tiny are you sure shes good enough to be my right hand?" I nod "Vote it" Snake votes first "Aye she would be an amazing sarg."  It went though the whole table everyone agreeing to let in a woman not only into the club but to fill in the seat of SA. "Its agreed Tiny becomes SA and gets a cut this means that she is not a club whore but also means she may become someones ol'lady but still keeps her seat at the table." "Someone go get Tiny so I can see the woman and she can get her patch." I nodded and headed out to the bar.  Snake headed out the back door I guess to go get Tiny. 
Tiny walks though the door into the office and a few minutes later comes out with the Prez, the music cuts off and everyone looks towards Prez. "Everyone I would like you to meat your new SA." We all cheer and I watch as Tiny gets a cut with a skull with cross bones on the back with chains wrapped around the skull. Tiny talks to Prez for a while in the corner probably getting caught up on club business its a little strange for a girl to be getting  into club biz but nice change. Tiny came over after talking to the Prez "I heard your the one I have to thank for getting my seat at the table." I nodded "No need to thank me I am just wanting change and a female at the table is what we need." She nodded "well I'm not going to stay yall party but I'm going to go home I have 3 girls who need my help I'll see yall tommorow at church." She walks out the club house after saying saying something to Prez. I hang out with the brothers for a while everyone is taking Tiny being the new SA great and are loving this change. I head to bed later that night by myself.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ************************************
Hey everyone!!
I'm rewriting this book the 2 chapters I just published are different and make no sence with the rest of the store I'm changing the plot a little and I'm making it longer stick with me while I put up the new story!!                                                                                                      

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