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Luke's POV

Michael, Calum, Ryan and I spent the last three hours talking and continuing our game until my mom yelled for me to come upstairs so we could say leave. Michael and Calum trudged up the stairs first and Ryan soon followed, me behind her, giving me a great view of her ass. Damn, she looked good in those jeans.

When we got upstairs, I thanked Mr and Mrs Clifford for the food and gave a manly hug to Calum and Michael, whom I actually seemed to like and get along with. I then nodded and smiled at Ryan, who just raised her eyebrows and pursed her lips. Why did she hate me so much? Oh yeah... probably because her parents were forcing her to marry me.

I walked back to my dad and he gave me a stern look, signalling to me that I forgot to do something. I sighed and walked back over to Ryan, while our parents continued to talk, and Michael and Calum got caught up in their own conversation.

"So today was fun..." I said, awkwardly looking at Ryan. She was standing with her right leg sticking out and bent, while she put all her weight on her left leg. Her left hip popped out and she had her arms crossed across her chest with an annoyed look on her face.

"Yup...." Ryan sassily responded, raising her eyebrows. I sighed and looked to the ground, avoiding her gaze.

"So, you're from Georgia right?" I asked, remembering the introduction conversation we all had at the dinner table.

"That would be correct." Ryan said, looking around the room and pursing her lips again.

"Do you miss America?" I asked, hoping she would answer without any sass or sarcasm.


"Pardon?" I asked confused. What does math have to do with our conversation?

"Gesundheit." She responded, making me even more confused.

"Why are you talking about math and speaking German? I'm confused." I stated, looking to her for answers. She just smiled and replied, "Good, I'm glad."

"Wait you're glad that I'm confused?" I scoffed.

"Affirmative." She confirmed, nodding her head. Why was she being so confusing?! I looked to her with confusion all over my face but she just looked down saying, "So this conversation is over..."

"Why do you hate me so much?" I blurted out, sheepishly looking up at the girl before me.

"I-I don't hate you..." She replied, caught off guard. She dropped her arms from her chest and straightened her body. Her facial expression softened and I could see her guard go down a little.

"It just feels like you do." I whispered, looking to the ground again. I decided to continue since she just stayed quiet. "I mean, I don't want to marry a complete stranger just as much as I assume you don't, but the least we could do is try to be friends. Then we can just tell our parents we tried but it won't work out." I suggested, desperately wanting this awkwardness to go away.

"Okay..." She started, causing me to look up at her with hope. "But I don't hate you. I just can be a bit... bitchy, that's all." She shrugged, seeming sorry. "But you are pretty cool, and Calum and Michael seem to like you so I guess being friends isn't such a bad idea." She continued, pulling her phone from her back pocket.

"Here, put your number in my phone." She suggested, handing her iPhone over to me. I quickly typed my number and put my contact name as 'Lukeッ'. I handed Ryan back her phone and she quickly texted me so I had her number. I put her contact name as 'Ryan☼'.

"Alright, I think its time we leave. Thank you for the meal, Karen, we'll be in touch. Luke let's go sweetie." I nodded and smiled to Ryan before I walked over to my parents and out the door.

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