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Ryan's POV

I got up from the floor and looked at myself in the mirror of the bathroom. I quickly fixed my makeup and decided to walk back into the hall. When I got there, Jack and Celeste were sharing their first dance and people were starting to join in on the slow dance. The song was "Lover" by Taylor Swift. I looked for Luke and saw him walking towards me with a smile on his face. He put out his hand and guided me to the dance floor.

We danced in silence, his hands on my waist and my head on his chest. After a few seconds, he leaned down and whispered into my ear, "will you stay for my speech?" I looked up into his beautiful ocean eyes and couldn't help but nod my head yes. As the song came to an end, I moved to pull away from Luke, but he held on to me, kissing my forehead and then letting me go. He watched me as I went to sit down at the place setting with my name. I looked up and saw him grab a mic from the DJ, ready to give his speech.

Luke's POV

I cleared my throat and brought the mic to my lips, silencing the room. "Hello everyone. For those of you who don't know, I am Jack's brother, Luke. And, as he has recently admitted, the best man in his life." I paused while everyone laughed. I cleared my throat and got to the serious part of the speech. "Jack and I have been close for as long as I can remember. Literally, he never left my side ever since I was born. He's only three years older than me, but he is my hero and my role model. Always has been.While I was growing up, whatever he did, I did too. If he got straight As in school, I would work my ass off to make sure I did too. If he played a sport, so did I," I paused.

"Jack is the best person I know. He has the biggest heart and is the most caring person on the planet. We may look identical, but I still have a lot to learn and do to be even half the man that he is." I stopped, deciding to go off script a bit. I made eye contact with Ryan and continued. "He gives people space and let's them process information with their own time. He doesn't pressure anyone to do or say anything, no matter how badly he wants them to. He is the perfect definition of a gentleman. And I will spend every second of every day for the rest of my life working towards being just like him."

I broke eye contact with Ryan and looked back to Jack and Celeste. "And hopefully, I will be able to have as great of a relationship as these two have. Today, my big brother, Jack, stands before me, before all of us, as a married man. Jack, Celeste, you two are a great love story and I wish you all the best in your married life." Everyone started applauding and Jack got up to embrace me in a hug. When I looked back, I saw Ryan getting up and walking out the door. I quickly patted Jack on the back and ran out the door to catch Ryan.

"Ryan!" I called and she looked back at me, a sad look on her face. I ran up to her and looked into her eyes. "Please. Don't leave."

"Your speech was great." I said and walked away, feeling a sharp pain in my chest. I couldn't bear to look back and see his face. I knew I would break his heart. I knew it. I'm the worst person in the entire world.

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