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Seven Years Later - February

Ryan sat on the couch in the living room with her two best mates, Calum Hood and Amelia Taylor, on the couch opposite her

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Ryan sat on the couch in the living room with her two best mates, Calum Hood and Amelia Taylor, on the couch opposite her. She met both Calum and Amelia at school when she first moved to Australia seven years ago. Calum was in her English and math class, and Amelia was in her science and history class. The three of them became best friends and ended up going to the University of Sydney together. They all went to university for three years and just graduated together last June.

The three were watching the Beauty and the Beast, since it just came to Netflix, and eating popcorn. It was Thursday night and they all had work in the morning. Ryan worked as a hairdresser at her favourite salon in town, Calum was a gym teacher at their old high school and Amelia was the broadcaster for their local radio station.

When the end-of-movie credits rolled down the screen, Ryan grabbed the remote and shut it off.

"Ugh, I don't wanna go to work tomorrow!" Calum groaned. "We just finished the football unit and now everything is just boring!"

"Calum, you chose to be a gym teacher so, now you have to live with it." Amelia laughed.

"Easy for you to say, you love your job! And you don't have to deal with annoying teenagers all day!" Calum spat.

"No but I have to deal with bitchy radio actors." Amelia rolled her eyes, informing Calum about her rude coworkers.

"Guys, so I'm thinking of dying my hair again! I was talking to some people at the salon and they think I would look good with platinum blonde! Whatcha' think?" Ryan asked, changing the topic. She leaned forward on her elbow, excited to hear her friends' thoughts.

"I mean, you've already done bright blue, neon green, dark purple, rainbow, and black. Plus, you just died it back to your light brown colour like three weeks ago!" Amelia stated, pausing for emphasis. "Don't you think you just let your roots grow out for a bit?"

"Ry, I think you'll look great either way so why not go for it?" Calum replied, taking Ryan's side.

"What are you guys talking about?" Michael asked, walking through the front door with his best friend, Ashton, following behind.

"Ryan wants to die her hair platinum blonde." Amelia groaned, rolling her eyes. She's never been a fan of bright hair colours, except the blue highlights in her hair of course.

"I did it and I looked great, so I say go for it." Michael replied, putting a fistful of popcorn in his mouth and sitting down next to Ryan. Ashton squished himself between Calum and Amelia, giving Amelia a peck on the lips.

"Well, I'm just gonna plop myself on the ground." Calum announced, feeling awkward while Ashton and Amelia cuddled on the couch beside him. Ashton whispered something in Amelia's ear and she giggled loudly, causing Ashton to smirk.

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