Challenge 11 - In Another Life...

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Characters: Naruto, Lee, Tenten, Sakura, Sasuke, Choji, Shikamaru, Gaara, Kankuro, Kiba, Karin, Shino

Fandom: Hetalia

"Alright!! I've called this meeting for one reason only!! And that's to talk about Global Warming and here's my idea: We make a genetically enhanced ninja that'll protect us from global warming and humanity's enslavement!" Naruto said, slamming his hand on the table.

"I agree with Naruto-"Lee started when he was interrupted by Tenten.

"Man up or I'll beat you with my peace prize!!" She snapped.

"Honestly, Naruto. I don't see how a genetically engineered human will protect us from human's enslavement." Sakura sighed.

"I think you're both stupid." Sasuke scoffed, when Sakura growled.

"Can it, stupid Uchiha!!"

"You Uchihas just love hating the Uzumakis, don't you? Why don't you go back to being broody and emo?" Naruto asked, poking his cheek.

"Not now, Naruto, I've got to deal with a stupid Haruno."

"Why you-" Sakura yelled, and pounced on him. Choji sighed.

"You guys are so immature. Want some chips?"

"WE'LL ONLY BE HUNGRY AGAIN CHOJI!!!!!!!" They yelled.

"Hey, Gaara. You're a Kazekage. Why don't you do something about them two? Break it up."

"Hm? No thanks.I was forced here, I'm not doing anything else." He replied. "I came here to simply question Deidara," he said, glaring at him. "While Chiyo deals with Sasori."

"Don't kill him here, Gaara!!" Kankuro complained. The noise finally built up to where Kiba finally exploded.

"Everyone SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so done with not getting anything done at these stupid, pointless meetings!! From now on, everyone will have five minutes to speak!! Now, does anyone wish to speak?" Slowly Karin raised her hand. "What!" He barked.

"Sasukeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!" Silence.

"Y'know what? I'm done here. I'm leaving." And he left. Soon, everyone followed him, muttering things like 'he's got a point', 'this meeting was stupid anyway' and soon, everyone was gone. The only person left was Shino, sitting in his seat calmly.

"I'm still here, and I hate to complain, but nobody even asked for my opinion. But, then again, when did they ever? I'm done here." He muttered, and left the room, slamming the door behind him.

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