Challenge 6- For Those About To Rock... We Salute You!

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Characters: Ino, Choji, Kiba, Sasuke, Naruto, and Konohamaru

Host: Hello folks! Welcome to Shout and Scream It Out! And here we are with the all new rock band, The Dead Tea Party!! I'm your host, Admin, and we will begin with the lead singers, Naruto and Sasuke!! so, Sasuke, what lead you all to this decision?

Sasuke: We couldn't figure out what we wanted to do after Graduation, so we began brainstorming what we could do. This kinda just floated into the conversation.

Host: And Naruto, why are both of you lead singers?

Naruto: Because we couldn't decide who'd be lead and who'd be backup, 'cause I'm obviously not doin' it!!

Sasuke: Hey!! It's not my fault you decided to be a stubborn jacka-

Host: Okay!! Ino, you're never seen in any of the videos, what is your position in the band?

Ino: I'm the producer and manager. I handle all of the financial situations because the males are too stupid to do it on their own.

Host: Ohhh~ So rumour has it that you used to like Sasuke, is that true?

Ino: *sigh* Yeah, I used to. Before graduation, but it was tearing me and Sakura apart, since she liked him too, so it kind of just faded as I met new people.

Host: So is there anyone special in your life?

Ino: Nope,not yet.

Host: So, Kiba, Choji, what got you two into the band?

Kiba & Choji: Well, Naruto's our friend!!

Host: What about Sasuke?

Kiba: ... Well.... He's also our friend, but we did this mainly for Naruto, he asked us to, and it actually seemed pretty cool! So, we joined, and voila! We got famous!

Host: Alright, and Konohamaru, rumour has it that you actually denied at first. Is it true?

Konohamaru: Yeah...I didn't believe that we were actually gonna get famous, until they booked thier first concert and needed a drummer, so I joined. Then, like Kiba said, voila. We, kinda just increasingly got famous.

Host: Alright then. Well folks! This has been Shout and Scream It Out! I'm your host, Admin, and have a good night!

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