Challenge 13- Get Your Head In The Game!!!

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Characters: Deidara, Sakura, Itachi, Shino, and Sasuke

Challenge: Trivia All of these are true facts


Host: Hello everyone and welcome to Trivia-Showdown! I'm your host, Admin, and Allow me to introduce the contestants and get right into the show!! Our lovely eye candies here are Deidara, Sakura, Itachi, Shino, and Sasuke! Remember, losers get tied up and taken home by one of you lucky contestants!!

Shino: Wait, what?

Host: Don't worry Shino, you should be fine. How many Shino fans are out here toni- oh...oh my... you might want to get every answer...anyway! First question goes to Deidara, Who returned almost-dead from trying to kill Hashirama?

Dediara: Uh-uhh... Kakuzu!

Host: Correct! Sakura, why did Gaara suffer from insomnia?

Sakura: Because if he fell asleep, the One-Tail would take over his personality!

Host: Correct!! Itachi, Sasuke always despised who?

Itachi: Orochimaru.

Host: We are on a roll tonight!! Correct! Shino, Madara battled solely for-

Shino: For the dignity of his clan.

Host: Fast! I like it, finally, Sasuke, in the Akatsuki, who's intentions are the most unclear?

Sasuke: Kisame Hoshigaki.

Host: Correct!! Time for the tie-breaker.

Shino: Already? I would expect more questions.

Host: I expected more wrong answers! I have a few geniuses in here, so I'll choose my hardest question. In the Bikouchu beetle arc, I want a summary of what happened in fifteen seconds.


Shino: We were walking, and my team except for Naruto realized we were being followed. A battle ensued for Hinata and the Bikochu, we won, and then Naruto farted on the Bikouchu, and Sakura beat him up.

Host:...and zero!! Congratulations, Shino Aburame!! You get to go another round without worrying about psycho fangirls!! As for the rest of you, prepare yourselves!!

All Except Shino: No, no, NOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Host: Well, this has been Trivia-Showdown! I'm your host, Admin, and have a good night!

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