02. Alone

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"Welcome to the mad house"


Dr Parker finally got me to my room, when the door opened I saw my bags on the empty bed and another bed pushed into the other corner. A roommate, great. I don't have very good people skills and I would be forced to live with one day in and day out. I didn't want to be here already, I don't know when I'm getting out or how I was going to be helped. All I knew was I wanted out now and to never have to look back. I'm twenty three for Christ's sake and in a mental asylum, I'll never have a life, I'll never have friends once I'm out, when people find out that I was admitted to a fucking insane asylum.

People are going to want to stay away from me the second I tell them I spent half my life in a mad house. What was going to happen then? What am I supposed to do once I'm out? if I do get out, I might be like those unchanging faces in the pictures, I may never get out. This could be the place where I die, never see life outside of this house again.

"Brooke are you okay?" Dr Parker husky voice grabbed me from my thoughts and pulled me back to reality.

I looked at him and sighed "Yeah, fine"

He gave a sympathetic smile "I'm glad you've already met your roommate"

I looked at him with a confused expression, I haven't really properly met anyone apart from Nathan and Ayesha and sharing with Nathan wasn't happening but Ayesha has been here longer than me so surely she must already have a roommate.

"You'll be sharing with Ally- I mean Ayesha" He corrected himself sounding flustered.

I held no emotion on my face, this was probably the thing I was best at. I was good at hiding my emotions and not letting them show, I nodded at Dr Parker and he gave one final awkward smile before clapping his hands together making me jump a little "Right, I'll leave you to get settled in"

I nodded once more and watched as he left the room closed the door gently behind him. Left on my own I let out how I felt, the anger, the sadness, the hurt that my mother would leave me here in this place. Before I could really focus on what was going I threw all my stuff on the floor, the duvet and the pillow went with it before I collapsed face first on the mattress and sobbed into it. My fingers scraped at the sheet trying to grab something, something that won't object to me scrunching it up in my hand

I calmed down after a while and rolled onto my back, looking up at the white ceiling. My eyes were sore from crying and I was sniffing, I sat up and wiped the last of my tears from my eyes and calmed down enough to put the mask of no emotion on, ready for when Ayesha came in. I stood up and put the pillows and duvet back on the bed and shoved all my bags under it. Not even thirty seconds after I had done that Ayesha came in, she looked at me and smiled

"All settled?"

I nodded and stood back up and laid on the bed, looking at the ceiling again. I heard Ayesha sigh quietly to herself at the silence between us, I forced myself to look at her and at least try and make some form of friendship form between us. She looked at me and gave a small smile. I didnt smile back, I couldn't smile after all this time of not smiling

I sat up and swung my legs over the side of the bed, all the girls in this place seemed to wear the gowns and the boys wore the tops and trousers "This gown is hideous isn't it?"

Ayesha looked up and me and gave a light chuckle "You get used to it"

"May take some time" I forced a chuckle

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