07. Nothingness (Part 2)

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Until Ayesha came out


"What the fuck!"

I shoved Nathan away from me and we both looked at Ayesha, breathing heavy from the strenuous snogging session. I swallowed hard and watched as she looked back and fourth between me and Nathan, our previous sessions had been kept top secret.

This was all his fault, if he had been able to control himself we wouldn't be in this predicament at them moment. I looked at Nathan who looked at me and I glared at him, I stepped foward to Ayesha and tried to figure out a decent way out of this...It wasn't provining successful

"Ayesha, let me explain" I started with

She looked at me and her face broke out into a huge grin "I knew something was up with you two"

I looked back to Nathan, confused with how calm she was. The fact she was grinning from ear to ear when most people would've freaked.


She rolled her eyes "I knew that you two had somethign going on, I mean you" She pointed to Nathan "Don't speak to anyone unil brooke comes along and you're all suspicious and lurking aound and stalking her"

I looked at him with a look to say 'Told you so'

He glared at me so we both looked back to Ayesha who was still rambling on about him and then she turned to me "And you Brooke, hate everything apart from me and now obviously him. It makes sense you two so toatally want each other"

Nathan and I looked back at each other before I spoke up "Ayesha, nothing will ever happen between me and him, I genuinly can't stand him and I know the he can't stand me...Just foget you saw that and we'll go back to acting like this never happened"

She laughed then "Are you mad! You wait till everyone else finds out"

"No!" Both me and Nathan shouted at the same time

She paused then and looked at him "Did you just...Speak?"

I looked back at him and he looked at me, he shook his head and sighed still not saying anything. I bit my lip and looked bact to Ayesha "Look, please don't say anything about it...Please"

She looked at us both again and nodded "Okay, Okay I wont...But we really have to get going now"

I looked back to Nathan and he nodded at me, I waved at him and he waved back before walking in the oposite direction. I walked beside Ayehsa and we walked in silence, i felt awkward having her seen what she did. The silence didn't last long though before Ayesha spoke out

"Dont get involved with him Brooke"

I looked at he "What d'you mean?"

She bit her lip "I mean, he is dangerous...Please Brooke, dont be drawn in"

I stopped walking then and grabbed her arm "Only two weeks ago you were saying how attractive he is and shit, and now you're telling me to stay away from him"

"You dont even know him Brooke, you dont know his past and you cetainly dont know why he is in here" She sighed

I looked down, she was right. I had no idea why Nathan was in this place, he could be a mass murder for all I knew. This thought sent a shiver down my spine and I realised Ayesha was right, I didn't know anything abotu the man who was constantly all over me.

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