08. Curiosity

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The word to describe you lot...Perf

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...just because I have been threatend


"Brooke, you have to leave the room at some point" Ayesha sighed as she got ready to go to dinner

I pulled the covers away from my head and looked at her "No, not unless I have to see a doctor"

Ayesha has been sneaking me food for the past four days, I have been scared to leave the room after finding out about Nathan. The threat itself didn't scare me, that wasn't what bothered me because he could be bluffing...It was the thought that he had killed someone.

Here I was in here becuase I had lost the plot due to my dad dying and then there is people like Ayesha who have been deemed criminally insane and people like Nathan who have actually killed someone.

This made me really hate my mum even more for putting me in here, with people who are in much worse situations that I am.

"Brooke, c'mon, I'm lonly down there" She begged

I shook my head and pulled the white covers further up me so I was compltly under them "I dont feel well"

I heard Ayesha sigh "Well you've been well enough to much a whole chocolate pudding"

I peeked out the top of the sheet again "Is there chocolate pudding tonight?"

She laughed and pulled the sheet off me "C'mon you lazy shit, get up and walk somwhere"

I shook my head furiously and she just sighed "Why not?"

I furrowed my brow and covered my face with my hands before mumbling "Becuase I don't want to see Nathan"

"What?" She pulled my hands away from my face

I rolled over "I don't want to see Nathan"


I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath "Becuase you were right"

"Brooke, you're making absolutly no sense"

I sat up and looked at her "You were right Ally, he's dangerous and I shouldn't go anywhere near him...I-I found out half of my he is in here"

"Oh, what did you find out?"

"I know he killed someone" I said quietly

"Not just someone...People" She matched my tone

I shot my head up then "What?"

"Two people, but he didn't mean to do it. The priest say's he was posessed by the devil but really he was just plain insane in the brain" She whispered as if he was on the other side of the room

"Who did he kill?"

She shook her head "No-one knows...He's one of the high classed patients in here"

I could understand why "Is he Bi-polar?"

"I dont know, why?"

I shrugged "He has some werid mood changes"

"He's insane Brooke...He's not just slightly different in the head, he is completly insane...He might as well be insanity"

"But you know nothing about him other than that?" I questioned, slightly interested to find out more

Insanity 》SykesWhere stories live. Discover now