25. Hallelujah

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Hallelujah praise the lord for this update

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I've fallen for insanity and I've fallen hard...

I laid in the chair, my eyes closed as I focused on the soft ticking coming from the grandfather clock on the far side of the room. The consistant tic tic of the pendulum as it swung from side to side, Dr Parker's voice was the only thing that kept me from falling asleep.

"Brooke?" He touched my shoulder "Are you even listning to me?"

I opened one eye and looked at him, he held my notes in his hand and looked at me sternly. I gave him a blank look and he sighed, sitting back in his chair and running his hand through his hair. I opened both eyes and turned my head to face him "What?"

"I can't help you if you don't listen to me and answer my questions" He pinched the bridge of his nose

I looked back up to the ceiling "Yes, no, yes, yes, no, yes, no, no"

"Brooke, that isn't helping" He groaned

I shrugged and looked at him once more "You said to answer your questions...I answered them"

He put the notes down and rubbed his eyes "I can't tell your mum of your progress if all you do is block me out"

I sighed "Have you ever thought that I just don't want to talk to you?"

"Have you thought that I'm your assigned doctor so you don't have a choice"

I sat up and stared at him "Well maybe if you had been honest with my best friend and not got her fucking pregnant!...Maybe then we could be on better terms"

He threw his head back and let out a furstrated growl "You don't even know mine and Ayesha's relationship"

I snorted "I think I get the general gist of it"

He glared at me then, not saying anything but the anger and confusion was there in his hazel eyes as he glared at me. I can't make sense of what he actually wants to feel, the emotion keeps flicking until he bows his head and covers his face "I just want her to be safe"

I shook my head "Then what? What do you propose you do? You have now got two children on the way, from two didferent people...You can't be superdad"

He sighed "I don't know what to do, but as I undertsand you've promised to take care of our baby"

"For Ayesha, not for you...For her and only her" I folded my arms over my chest

He went to speak again when there was a knock on the door, Dr Parker shouted for them to come in. I looked to the door to see Nathan coming in, he smiled at me and then looked at Dr Parker "I need to talk to Brooke"

I watched as Dr Parker sighed and then nodded "Yeah, I think we're done for today anyway"

I stood up as Nathan left the room, I looked back to Dr Parker and sighed "Just look after her, make sure she gets through this"

He nodded and I walked over to him "I mean this Thomas"

"How do you know-"

"She is three months pregnant, she has seven months left and i want you to promise me that you will look after her" I crouched down

He sighed "I'll do evrything I can...I love her"

"Then love her enough to do the right thing" I stood now and walked out.

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