26. Hope

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Idk, I hate everything....I listened to mad man when writing this...We all know there is a link here now, the song gets me pumped....Also listened to dagger becuase Nathan and Siva's voice's *.*

75 votes ((yeah I went there))

20 comments ((Whoops))


" 'Dagger'..."


I laid on my bed, reading and re-reading the song that Nathan had written. The words were beautifuly crafted to hold every emotion there could possibly be held in a song, it captured how he must've felt and it almost reduced me to tears. It was clear how much he had cared about her, how much it had hurt him when she was let out.

'Everytime you have to go, I don't think you even know it's like a dagger through my heart'

My eyes stung with the tears that threatened to fall, the love was clear and how much he hurt when he was alone without her. Reading this only made the thought of me leaving him worsen, I don't want him to feel that way again, I want him to the Nathan I know now. The Nathan that is getting help, the Nathan that is letting the help, help him...The Nathan that I love

The door opened then and Ayesha came bounding in, I quickly hid the paper behind my back and watched her as she sat down hard on her bed. I raised an eyebrow as she looked at me, she shook her head and leant down so she was laying on her side.

"I hate everything" She mumbled

I rolled my eyes "Why?"

She sat up then and pointed to her no longer flat stomach "I have a very obvious bump now, no more hiding it...People know and are talking and Tom could loose his job"

I furrowed my brow "Why would he loose his job? No-one knows it's him do they?"

She stared at me with a look to say 'Seriously'. I rolled my eyes at her and she just sighed heavy and looked around the room, subconciously rubbing the small bump she was just hating. I walked over to her and sat cross legged infront of her, she looked at me and I gave her a stern look.

"Look, you're the one that did the sirty without protection, you're now the one paying the price...Don't complain and be happy that you have a little you in there, a little you who is going to look up to you, adore you and run around calling mummy...You're going to be a good mum Ally, you will get out of here and you will look after your baby"

She smiled at me, her smile fell then "But it won't know who it's dad is"

"Why?" I asked her

She sighed "Tom wants nothing to do with it once it's born, he said he'll pay what he needs but he said he doesn't need his family and secret family"

I sighed out of annoyance and looked at her, annoyed with the pair of them "Well you know what you should've done then, what you and he both should've thought"

"Yes, Brooke, I know"

"Put protection on that erection" I smirked at her

She chuckled at me "Shut up, I bet you and Nathan didn't do it with protection"

I gave her a glare "Well I'm on my period so I don't think I have any troubles there"

"You know what you should've said to him" She mocked me

I rolled my eyes before she grabbed my hands and looked me straight in the eyes "You, as the woman in this pair need to tell him something next time"

I watched her expectantly, a smirk growing on her face as she waited before she couldn't contain herslef anymore "Don't be silly, cover your willy"

I pushed her away, laughing at her stupidty as she fell back on her bed in hysterics. I chuckled at her as I made my way back to my own bed. I sat back down and moved Nathan's song under my pillow.

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