07. Nothingness (Part 1)

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My beauties I love you all

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"...Maybe I just might"


"Brooke wake up"



My ankle was grabbed and I suddenly felt the ground beneath me. I hit the floor with a loud thud and I looked up to see Ayesha smiling down at me "Morning sleep head"

I glared at her and stood up rubbing my bum as I did "Why'd you do that?"

"You weren't waking up" She shrugged

I shook my head at her and sat back down on my bed, rubbing my eyes as I did. I stretched my arms out over my head and stopped suddenly remembering the night before. Ayesha saw this and looked at me with a quizical look across her features.

I just shook my head and looked away out the window, it was an overcast day which pretty much fit my mood; clouded over. I sighed deep and stood once more before going into my drawer and pulling an awful gown out,

"What are you doing?" Ayesha asked me

I stood and looked at her "What I always do"

She laughed "You dont need to wear that today"

"Why?" I was shocked to hear this

"Becuase the priest is coming just incase any of the religious people have a susposion that some poor sod is posessed or something" She shrugged


She laughed and rest her hand on my shoulder "I'm joking calm down"

I hit her shoulder and laughed "Dont do that"

She smiled "Anyway, you get to wear normal clothes"

I gave a sigh of releif and pulled out a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and a long wollen jumper. I sighed as I pulled out some underwear and left the room to go to the bathroom. As I left the room I bumped into Nathan, as usual. I smiled at him despite the fact that I did just want to punch him in the face.

I looked at him to see him wearing dark grey joggers with a navy T-shirt and a beanie rest a-top his head. He didn't smile back at me, he looked at me and looked around the hall before grabbing the tops of my arms and slamming my back into the wall. My clothes fell to the floor and I yelped in pain, only to have Nathan push his hand to my mouth.

"Shut up" He hissed

I wriggled my face free and growled at him "What the fuck are you doing?!"

He glared at me before hissing at me "Don't mention last night to anyone"

I laughed coldly "Are you bi-polar or something? Becuase only last night you were all over me"

He looked down and then took his right arm and pressed it to my neck, not hard enough to cause pain but hard eneough to keep me in my place and send a slight shiver of fear down my spine. "You know nothing of me Brooke Willows, dont you dare comment on me"

"I know you like me, I know that you want me and I know you'll never have me...You're nothing but a freak, just like the others in here"

He laughed then but it was cold and dangerous, his face was so close to mine his nose was on mine "If you haven't noticed but you're one of those 'freaks' princess"

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