16. Realization

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Shall I stop with the note here at the top?

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"Well, I think I might know why you're being sick frequently"


"Pregenant? How can I be pregnant? I mean, just becuase I'm being sick doesn't mean I'm knocked up" Ayesha took a step back from me

I sighed "Your period was due last week, your being sick and your hormones are killer, honestly you should go and see someone"

"I can't do that!" She shreiked "I can't becuse then they will find out about me and Tom, and also the girls and boys here aren't supposed to spend that time together...I could get in serious trouble"

I watched as she walked back to her bed, sitting on it and  and resting her elbows on her knees and putting her face in her hands "God Brooke, thinking about it I think you might be right"

"We need to find out" I sighed

"How? How the hell can we find out?!"

"We could maybe call your mum?" I suggested

She shook her head and laid back so she was staring up at the ceiling "My mum hasn't come to see more then three times since I got in here"

I sighed and walked over to her, sitting on the edge of her bed I put my hand over his "I could call my mum?"

"And do what?"

I shrugged "I could get her to smuggle some tests in?"

"You'd do that for me?"

I nodded and told her that I would be back soon, I walked out of the room and almost sprinted down the stairs. I put my hand on each post on the star level and swumg myself round. I reached the bottom and I literally ran straight into Dr Parker...Or 'Thomas''.

"Brooke! our in a hurry" He chuckled

I glared at him "Yeah, I need to ring my mum"

He scratched the back of his neck "Well that's progress, you actually want to talk to her"

I stared him "No"

"Oh, uhm is Ayesha in your room"

I gave a spiteful laugh "No, now excuse me"

I shoved past him and carried on running down the stairs, I needed to get to the phone place. I was out of breath by the time I got to the desk. I held onto the counter trying to catch my breath as I stood there.

"Brooke, can I help you?"

I held my finger up, requesting she wait a miniute while I caught my breath, she laughed and I finally stood up straight, still panting slightly "Can I call my mum please?"

She nodded and handed me a pound to put in the phone on the other side of me, I smiled and walked over to one of the phones. I hesitated before putting the pound in and dialing the house number, it began ringing and I flinched realizing that i would have to talk to my mum for the first time in thee months.

After the third ring it picked up



"Brooke? Is that you baby?"

"Yeah mum it's me, listen--"

"Oh baby girl! Are they treating you well? Is it okay in there? Sean hasn't asked about you, is everything okay with you two?"

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