Hate # 1

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(c) CaptureLife.


Tori Vega's Point of View

Awhile ago while I was at home, I was at an ease, happy and peaceful feeling. Everything was working out the way I want it to be. No annoying sister and irritating Beck Oliver on our television and radio.

But now, rage of annoyance fills me up. Why? The reason is the oh-so-famous Beck Oliver posters are scattered around school even in my locker. 

"Can you just vanish?" I mutter. I snatch the poster away from my locker and threw it on the nearest trashcan. He deserves to be there. 

As I open up my locker with full force, an arm took place around my shoulder. I instantly knew the guy who own that arm. "Añdre, what do you need?" I ask him straight to the point. 

He shut my locker and spun me around so he can corner me with his both hands. "I want you." He whispers in his manly voice. Hoping I'll be amaze by him. 

I stare at him for ten seconds then I kick his groin on the spot. Pervert down! 

I heard laughter from the side. "You're not so cool anymore, aren't you?" A dark haired girl with highlights, Jade West, teased Andre as she clings into my shoulder. 

Who is she? She's my friend. Who is the pervert? Believe it or not, he's my friend too. 

"My charms doesn't work with her." Andre grips onto his pants and slowly sat on the hallway floor. " But why kick me?" He hysterically asked. 

"A pervert like you deserves it." I spat at him.

I'm use to Andre picking on me, we've been friends since middle school and until now I can survive his annoyingly yet fun attitude. That guy is fun to be with, he just flirts a lot with girls. On the other hand, Jade is the only girl who idolizes Beck Oliver which I love hanging out with. 

"Tori? Why throw his precious picture away?" She quickly grabs Beck's poster on the garbage can trying to put it all together again. She looks at me with a disappointing look. "You know I love him..." She fake cries. 

For a freakin' picture, she gets crazy. It's just a head shot of Beck pasted on a poster. It's not like a single poster of him could save the earth. If I just don't love this girl right here, I might have whack him from the day I met her. 

Instead of answering her, I helped Andre stood up once again since I'm the one who caused his pain. As he stood up once again, he instantly wrapped his hands around my shoulders. With that being said, I just plainly glare at him and he scaredly let go. 

"Nice choice of letting go...." I pat Andre's head like a little dog. 

"So you're just going to ignore the problem I'm having?" Jade stomps her feet as she complains to us her Beck crisis. Andre and I looked at each other then laughed.

"Sweetie, that's just a poster! I'll hate to say this, but I'll treat you to one of his meet and greets in one condition..." I groaned. "Shut up." She nodded and quietly squeled inside of her head. 

Things I do for my friends. Totally not looking forward into seeing Beck Oliver in person. What did I get myself into? 

Beck Oliver's Point of View

"And cut..." Our director yells across the stage as he grabs his cup of coffee. "We'll be continuing this next week." He added. 

Finally, after 7 hours of taping we're done. And I can happily leave the land of showbizness for some hour so I can have some kind of fun back at my own unit. Can't wait till we pack up!

"Baby, want to go get some breakfast with me?" Juliet sweetly said. She clings onto my shoulder and gave me a quick smack on the lips. 

I groaned. I unclasp his hand on my shoulder and threw it away. "Juliet, how many times do I have to tell you we're not really together. We're just a PR act so the management can get higher views. Stop acting like my girlfriend when you're not suppose to. Save that act for the people." Then I grab all my things, walked away from the studio and make my way straight back to the parking lot so I can drive myself home. 

When I was little, it was indeed my dream to be a star. For the purpose of helping my family and making people happy. But now, hollywood is just a fake act. There are people inside who's going to make you change who you are just to get the fortune they want. Yeah, it's working out for me because I got the fame and fortune every star would want. Nevertheless, being happy isn't involved and what I want as an artist is ignored. 

Suddenly, my phone rings and guess what? It's the devil for short my manager.

"Hello?" I speak to the other line as I open my car door an start the engine.

"WHY DID YOU DO THAT TO JULIET? SHE'S YOUR GIRLFRIEND, REMEMBER? BECK DO YOUR JOB IF YOU WANT TO STAY IN THIS INDUSTRY." Matilda, my manager, screams on the other line. It was a bad idea to wear headphones. 

I teasingly laugh. "You can't kick me out. We all know the industry needs me more than I do." And I hang up. It's the truth. No one bothered to kick me out of being an artist. Apparently, I was one the largest star of today's time.

Kicking me out? Is a bad dea. 

If only someone wouldn't treat me differently. Somewhat like a normal person. 



That's chapter 1. I know its a bit different from the first Anti-Beck Oliver I made but this is the official flow of the story ever since but I lost this copy but I now I recover it...so hope yo like it. \m/ 

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