Hate #4

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Anti-Beck Oliver


Hate #4


Tori Vega's Point Of View

After those craze fans chase Beck Oliver's car and finding out that he's not even in it, all of them went back in line and was exhausted. HA! And they keep on telling that this Beck guy cares about his fans...NOT. 

"Tori, get your butt in here." Jade yelled as she slowly pace forward in line. "The line is moving. We need to get in those front seats fast." She commanded. 

I simply groaned and walk my way through the line. "Did I ever told you I hate this day?" I sarcastically asks Jade. 

"No, not really." She looked at me and smile. 

I glared at her. "Oh well, I hate this day. There I said it." I said. 

"Whatever Tor." Jade replied as she passed by the security guard. "I'll go ahead and find us some seats, go ahead and tour the mall while the show isn't starting yet. See ya!" She states with no emotion. It seems like she's mad at me. 

As soon as the security guard checked my bag, I ran towards Jade. "Jade, don't shut me out." I exclaimed. 

"I'm not, okay? I'll see you later." Then Jade West walk away and drifted through the enormous crowd heading towards the stage. 

First, Beck Oliver ruined my beautiful day. Second, he made us wait outside the mall for hours and now this. Beck Oliver might be an actor but he's getting in the middle of our friendship. Well, American actor-slash-hearthrob-Beck Oliver just made another reason for me to hate his guts. 

I guess a little shopping would clear this mini-fiasco out of my mind....

Beck Oliver's Point Of View.

My show isn't starting in less than an hour or so. 

So I decided to relax my mind and walk around the mall. Don't worry, I'm not an idiot to go out without a disguise. I went with a black hoodie and shades. And, all of my fans are probably sitting out on the venue already. They are  just so dedicated about fangirling. 

*ring ring*

My phone is ringing and I'm guessing it's my manager. 

"Hello?" I said on the other line. 

"AHSFFAVFVOAHGPO." That's all I can hear on the other side of the line. Is my manager trying to piss me off? It's working.

I took a glance on my phone then placed it back to my ear again. "What the hell are you------"

"Aw! Walk much?" A girl said who's currently on the floor right now. 

I reached out my hand and help her to stand up. "I'm so sorry Miss? You should have watch your step." I let out a small laugh. 

She let out a giggle. "It's not my fault that your standing on my way." Then she looked me and stare at me like I'm some kind of ghost. "Can this day get any worst? I didn't just get bumped by Beck Oliver." She crossed her arms and glared at me. 

"How did you know it was me?" I asked then suddenly I got scared because she might go crazy and scream my name.

She grab my shades and glared at me again. "Really? You think putting  shades and a black hoodie is a disguise? Geez, I'm not an idiot to fall for that." She smirks. "You gotta do better than that." Then she returned my shades. 

Wait a minute, those cheekbones, that brunnette hair and those lips, I've seen them before. 

"Wait a minute, who are you again?" I asks. 

"Why do you want to know my name?" She asks back.

"Just answer my question, will you?" I sorta raised my voice at her. 

She sighed. "Oooh, the little popstar is getting mad..." Then she added a laugh. "I'm Tori Vega, your highness." Then she bowed at me. She's definitely trying to annoy me. 

Tori Vega, the girl I met earlier in front of the Mall's entrance. 

"Aren't you going to scream and go crazy?" I asks. "I mean, you met me. Beck Oliver. You should be honored." I proudly stated then smirked. 

"Oh." Tori walked close to me then stare at me in the eyes. "Don't get your hopes too high, popstar. I'm not your fan." Then she pinched my cheeks. 

I don't know what get into me. But the moment, I saw her lips I slowly lean towards her hoping to kiss her. She's irresistable, I just know it.

"Ooops." She placed her palm infront of me. "I guess the little popstar wants to kiss me. But sorry Mr, today isn't your lucky day." Tori gave me the sweetest smile then walked pass me. 

I turned my back and said..."You can't just walk away from me." With pride and conviction. 

She looked at me and raised her eyebrow. "Oh, watch me.." She teasingly replied then poof, Tori was gone. 

I'm not going down without a fight. Tori Vega, you better watch it because I'm coming for you. 

Tori Vega's Point of View

Out of all the people in the world, why do I get to meet Beck Oliver? He could have bumped his fans and do them some justice, not me. If he was Zac Efron, I would have been happier but he's not, he's stinking Beck Oliver. 

"Tori, where have you been? They just announced that the show is starting early..." Jade suddenly appear out of nowhere and yanked me then run. I mean, we're running so fast that I felt like my heart is going to explode. 

"Jade, can-we-stop?" I said between my breath while sweat is crawling down my face. 

Then suddenly, we stopped. "Sure. We're here." Jade smiled and pointed me to our seats. And guess what? We're right in front of the stage. Woopie. -.- 

"Why did you get us some front seats?" I angrily asks. Come on, I've got enough Beck Oliver for my day. 

She looked at me like I said something stupid. "Are you losing your mind? Don't you want to get close up front with Beck Oliver?" Jade explained it to me like I'm some kind of idiot. 

"You have no idea..." I murmured. 

"Did you say something?" Jade asks as she sat. 

I shake my head and smiled. "No. I'm just happy for you that you'll meet Beck." Then I fake smiled. 

"That's the spirit." She pats me back then turn head back at the stage as the Emcee announces Beck's name. 

I sighed. "Again, can my day get any worst? Ugh, I hate you Beck Oliver." I whisper to myself as I saw Beck Oliver walking his way to the stage. 

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