Sixth Dream

542 42 16

Oh my gosh!

When you woke up, it was already 5 in the afternoon. You seemed to sleep for longer and longer these days.

You realized through your mirror that your cheeks were pink, you were blushing, then an image came into your mind. An image of Taehyung blushing.

You giggled, you guessed you were also blushing because of what you did.

You hugged him.

You actually decided to hug a male.

You started to wonder if this was the feeling

You cringed and decided to ask Jennie about this as you walked towards her bedroom. You knocked on the door twice, but there was no response, so you guessed that she wasn't home.

But you needed a definite answer right now, so you went to your mother's room.

The door was slightly closed, just as you were going to push in, you stopped as you heard your dad and mom having a conversation.

"She can't eat pain-killers forever!!!" Your father said loudly.

"But what could I do!? I can't stop her headache!!!" Your mother shouted back.

"Why don't you let her eat more of those pills? Those ones after breakfast. You could let her eat them after lunch too."

"Are you crazy!!? Those pills makes her sleep for long enough already! Do you know how long she has been sleeping for today?" Your mother questioned your father, he was speechless.

What were they talking about?

"11 hours!!! Y/n has slept 11 hours today!!! I tried to wake her up for lunch but she just never got up! She only wakes up when her body decides to! And it's all because of the pills, now you want her to consume more!!? She can't even go to school!!" Your mother yelled.

There was silence now, you looked through the gap and saw your mother in tears and your father looking sad and tired.

"I... I just don't want to see Y/n in pain... I don't want Y/n to suffer from the headache. Don't you remember she tried to smash a vase in her head to stop the pain at the hospital?!" Your father said, trying to repress his emotions.

"I'd rather see my own daughter sleep through this than to watch her abuse herself."

Your mother couldn't take this, she lifted her hand and slapped your father's face. She kept crying and your father looked at the ceiling, forcing his tears to stay in his eyes.

What was happening?

So was it the pills that makes you sleep?

So was that why you couldn't go to school?

But why do you have headaches?

And why do you have to eat those pills?

You tried to walk back into your room but decided to take a walk outside so you went downstairs.

You walked to the lake, you tried to concentrate on the beauty of the lake but something just seemed to distract you.

You remember lastnight when you nearly bumped into a tree, you saw two shoes tied onto its branch.

But why would people tie their shoes here, on the tree?

You fell on the bench, hypnotizing yourself to fall asleep. You wanted an answer from Taehyung, everything seemed so connected and so fishy.


Taehyung sat beside the tree that he leaned on the previous dream.

But this tree seemed sort of familiar...

You greeted him, "Hey."

He noticed you then looked onto the ground nervously, not daring to look at you.

You laughed as you went to sit next to him, he shifted the moment you sat on the ground.

"Are you still cold?" You teased him watching his cheeks burn again.

"N-no!" He said.

He was the cutest thing you've ever seen, he was someone who you wish you could everyday. However, he was only in your dream, he wasn't real, he was just an imagination.

But something just didn't seem right. It felt like he was real, like a real person in the real world. It's just that you need to find him in the reality.

He still wasn't looking at you, then you noticed.

He wasn't wearing shoes.


You woke up on the bench, something was clear.

The tree that Taehyung was sitting besides to, was the tree by the lake with the two shoes tied.

And he was bare foot! He didn't wear shoes!

Which meant, the shoes that's tied on the tree, are Taehyung's shoes.

And, this wasn't only your imagination, Taehyung is real! It can't be just a coincident of finding the same tree in your dream in the reality!!!

There's definitely something fishy going on!

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