Seventh Dream

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When you got home, you realized that your whole family was up, they sat by the lounge, looking nervous, worried and tired.

You didn't know why they weren't sleeping, but you noticed why by just checking the clock. You've been out from 5 o' clock to the lake, slept there, and now the time was 10. They have been obviously looking for you.

"Hey..." You said, and everyone looked up, your mother stood up and asked, "Where were you?!"

"Uhm... By the lake." You said, smiling nervously.

Your father looked furious by your answer, "Why don't you understand the meaning of you could only be out with someone!"

You didn't want to fight with him, nor did you want to ask any of your questions that bothered you. Instead, you grabbed Jennie and went upstairs.

Before you went, you told your parents, "Don't worry, I'm fine. I'll take Jennie to sleep now~"

You pulled Jennie into your room and let her sir on your bed. She looked extremely confused, "...Why did you pull me here?"

"I've just got some questions to ask you... You promise you'll tell me the answers?" You said softly.

She rolled her eyes at you annoyingly, "What?!"

"What are the pink pills for?" You asked, "Those ones I eat after breakfast."

Jennie froze after what you had said, she hesitated and looked somewhere else, then after a while she managed to look at you, "Look Y/n, I've spent the whole night looking for you and I'm tired, please let me rest!" She said while getting on her feet, trying to walk away but you blocked her and held her shoulders.

You looked straight into her beautiful cat eyes, "You're the only one I trust now Jennie, please answer me. I need to know!"

She tried to escape from the grip but you clutched her tighter, there was definitely something wrong otherwise she wouldn't be like this.

"Jennie! Please! If you love me, then you should tell me the truth! I beg you!" You said.

She looked at you with disbelief, as she thumped down onto your bed and sighed.

She didn't say anything and you got more and more frustrated, the whole family were keeping a secret and they're not telling you.

"Oh my gosh Jennie, say something!!!" You blurted, she looked angry too.

"I'm calling mom if you don't stop with your nonsense!" She shouted.

Now you were triggered, "I heard mom and dad today! They were talking about how the pink pills makes me sleep all day and that's why I can't go to school!"

Jennie stared at you with her eyes wide open, startled that you said this.

"So tell me Jennie! What are the pink pills for!? And why do I keep having headaches!? Especially after I first dreamed about a guy called Kim Taehyung!?" You shouted.

"Kim-Kim Taehyung!" Jennie stuttered while her body trembling.

"You know about him! That's why I felt all these strange things actually relate! Now tell me about him and what my pills are!!" You yelled.

Now Jennie was in tears, "Please just stop forcing me! Please! If you want to know, ask mom!' She said while she ran out.

You didn't stop her this time, you're going to find it out by yourself.


As usual, you checked every dead branch and every dead tree, you checked behind your body and this time Taehyung was nowhere to be found.

"Taehyung!!!" You called.

No response

"KIM TAEHYUNG!!!" You shouted loudly, but still no response.

You were worried and was filled with anxiety. Where was he!? You were so desperate to find him, also at the same time, you felt pressured without him.

As if he was essential.

You noticed during these days, you were always willing to fall asleep, just to 'meet' an imaginative figure.

You missed him and thought of him every second when you were awake. Why were you like that? Was it because, you really had feelings for him?

But what most important now, is to find him.

You ran around the lake, searching and looking carefully at every spot, he was was still nowhere to be found.

There was only one spot that you haven't searched, was the lake.

You ran to the water and there you found his head above the water, his whole body was soaked into the water and his eyes closed.

"Taehyung!!!" You shouted with joy.

He opened his eyes when he heard your voice and sighed followed by a chuckle.

He came out of the water and his clothes were magically dry, "I thought you wouldn't find me."

"What do you mean...? I wanted to see you! I have so many things to tell you! I feel so weird when I'm not with you! I think of you and miss you... And, I think..." You went quiet for a while, then you said, "I think I like you."

He furrowed his eyebrows and he looked so disappointed.

"Why me Y/n? There are so many other good people meant for you." He said, "I thought I could hide myself away from you, so you'd forget about me and stop thinking about me."

"I'm just someone in your dream, nothing else Y/n."

You had no idea that this was coming but your tears rolled out of your big eyes and they're unstoppable.

"He honest Taehyung!" You cried, "You actually exist in real life, right?!"

"This lake in my dream, EXISTS Taehyung! The tree you leaned on, EXISTS! And if I'm not mistaken, your shoes are tied onto that tree since you're always bare foot!!!" You screamed while you cried.

He remained silent, he didn't say anything but he looked so sad, so heartbroken.

You pulled him closer and you hugged him, "Why don't you show up!? I want to see you so badly! The headache and the pills, everything connects, so why don't you tell me what is happening!!!"

He looked at you, emotionless, you opened your mouth, wanting to say more but he placed his two fingers onto your lips, hinting that you shouldn't speak more.

"Hush Y/n, you'll find someone far more better than me." He said with a small smile, then he disappeared into the thick mist.


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