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Some memories are best left untouched.


She kept waiting.

But he was never there.


Short story




© Copyright act 2017. All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced, distributed or transported in any forms or any means.

This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, locations or events is entirely coincidental.

Also, if you see this book of any part of it in any other site except wattpad, please let me know. I don't intend to post it anywhere else, not until I officially declare it.

This is usually the part where I'm supposed to put quirky (but super serious) description of what I might do to you if you dare copy my stuffs. But instead of doing that, I'd like to say something else.

We all are brilliant people. We are creative enough to come up with our own works. If others don't appreciate you, ignore them. No one can ever judge your talent. Imagine yourself as an author and ask if you'd ever want your works to get stolen. So people, please don't copy other's works. They have worked so hard on them. Try to appreciate the effort.

Now that's outta the way, I'd ask you to do what you gotta do - enjoy!

(and not forget to vote, comment and share!)

Love, Tamara.

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