02. Sleepless Night

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The next morning was a gloomy Monday; the streets were lined with moisture from the clouds crying. A dark shadow was cast across the entire city from it. It was like the weather itself wanted me to know that it wasn't feeling any better than I was.

Which I appreciated, because I didn't get anymore sleep after I discovered the package left for me.

The night before, my blood had run cold at the note I received along with the package so I tossed it to the floor and ran to my bathroom, not caring if Kitty shredded it. She loved playing with paper.

I splashed my face with water and pressed my hands against my temples. Whatever was in the box couldn't be for the doll house that my father had built for me when I was a little girl like the note suggested.

There was no way. My father was dead.

That specific doll house was packed away somewhere in my apartment, untouched, the same way it had been when it was gifted to me. The doll house was given to me the day before he disappeared from my life forever.

The cardboard box still sat unopened back at my apartment. Maybe I would pack it away somewhere along with the doll house and never think of it again.

"Y/N," a voice sliced through my thoughts, pulling me back into reality with full force.

Startled from being separated from dwelling in the past, my voice was shaken as I answered. "Yes?"

"I've asked you three times now to go help with the registers and check people out. Get to it, please. You've been staring at that book for the past ten minutes," said my manager, Sarah. Her eyes narrowed from underneath her bangs.

I had been putting our new delivery of books away on the shelves of the bookstore when I came across one about dolls, which reeled me back into thinking about what had been happening to me in the past twenty-four hours.

"Sorry, I'll get right to it," I muttered, setting the book down and advancing to walk past her.

But before I could, she caught my shoulders and held me in place, examining my face with concern. "Are you all right? Do you need to take the rest of the day off?"

"I'm fine," I said, eyes down as I continued attempting walk forward, but Sarah was taller and stronger than me so she was able to keep me in place until she got what she wanted from me.

"Are you sure, Y/N? You look exhausted," she pushed on, waiting for me to spill the truth.

"I just—I couldn't sleep last night. My cat threw up on my bed, so I stayed up cleaning it and then just couldn't get back to sleep afterward," I was kind of surprised by how smoothly the lie rolled off my tongue. I didn't want to have to go through the trouble of explaining how unnerved I was by a package getting dropped off at my door in the middle of the night.

"Okay," she sighed, offering a small smile, but clearly still not convinced. "Just let me know if you need anything."

What I really needed was to know who gave me the package and if it somehow linked back to my father. But obviously that would be a crazy weird thing to say to my manager, so my lips stayed sealed as I nodded and smiled back.



Short and sweet update. Mostly fluff. But I wanted to give you guys a glimpse of her working life.

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