08. Little Troubles

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My eyes wouldn't open when I woke up the next morning, and it took me a minute to realize it was because two small bodies were sprawled across my face.

I only let Jungkook sleep next to me, so how did more up end up in my bed?

Because I was a nice person and didn't want to wake them, I carefully peeled the doll bodies off my face and laid them down on my lap as I sat up.

Only to realize that five more were asleep on me, two on each shoulder and one sleeping soundly on my chest. Before I could undo my action, the rest of them tumbled off of me and rolled into each other. I winced as they became a tangle of limbs. All except for Yoongi, who had been one of the two sleeping on my face. He was sleeping away from the pile, unbothered.

Jungkook was the first to wake up and complain, Taehyung quickly following suit. I strained to swipe my glasses off the my nightstand and put them on so I could clearly watch the dolls untangle themselves.

Even though Kitty had limited cat expressions, I could tell she was amused by their struggle.

"Jimin," Namjoon sighed. "Your butt is in my face."

"You shouldn't be complaining," Jimin countered. "I have a really nice butt. I should be the one complaining since I have someone's smelly crotch in my face."

Taehyung gasped as I fell into hysterical fits of laughter at their interactions. "I don't smell!" Taehyung complained, offended.

Before any of them could say anything else, a scream cut out of my throat. It spooked the dolls enough to completely separate them from one another, ready to run from any hint of danger. Their wide eyes scanned the bedroom as I scrambled out of bed and toward my bathroom, abandoning the dolls on the bed.

"I'm late for work!"

"Oh," Hoseok said, disappointed. "I was so ready to go hide."

"You still have time for waking me up," I heard Yoongi joke before I shut my bathroom door and threw on yesterday's clothes. I speedily brushed my teeth and hair, put on some deodorant, and rushed back into the bedroom to meet their startled gazes.

"Can we come with you?" Jin asked, sitting on top of Yoongi to keep him off the others, I assumed.

"Hell no," I said as I pulled on my shoes. "It's not bring-your-dolls-to-work day. Sorry."

"What are we supposed to do all day?" Jungkook shouted after me as I sprinted to the door.

"I can't worry about you guys right now," I said before grabbing my keys and opening the front door. "But I'll be back soon. We can talk then, sorry guys."

With those last words, I closed and locked the door, then headed off for work. All I could think about as I walked away was how it probably wasn't wise of me to leave seven live dolls alone with my cat during my eight hour shift.

I shrugged it off, because what's the worst that could happen?

♡ ♡ ♡

"You're late," Sarah stated the obvious as soon as I walked through the doors.

"I know, I'm sorry. I had a crazy morning. It won't happen again, I promise," I babbled.

To my luck, the bookstore wasn't even in the middle of a rush. It was calm. A few people were scattered around the tables and chairs in the coffee shop inside. There was only one other person that I glimpsed walking through the aisles of book shelves. Other than that, it was practically empty. Certainly nowhere near being considered busy.

"It better not. Now, I need you to train the new guy. Logan!" Sarah called out, turning on her heels to find the said guy.

He popped out from behind another shelf and rushed to her side. "Yes?"

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