34. You're Our Home

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"No, I mean like, really?"

"Yes, really."

As soon as those two words were out his lips, I slammed my front door shut and fled into my living room where I tripped over a confused Kitty.

The look she gave me screamed really?

And the one I returned to her declared yes, really.

I stood still in the living room after the brief interaction I had with my cat, staring at the wall, unwilling to believe what I just saw with my own two eyes.

So when I raced back to the front of my house to reopen the door, I expected him to be gone.

But he wasn't.

Instead, Hoseok was there to give me a knowing smile. "Did you really just slam the door in my face?"

"Yes, because I don't believe that you're really here. Are you sure it's you?"

"Yes, Y/N. I'm really here."

"Okay, then. Prove it."


"Prove it," I demanded. I crossed my arms over my chest just to display how serious I was. "Prove to me that you're Hoseok. Tell me something only he would know."

Hoseok rolled his eyes and ran a hand through his freshly-dyed, brown hair before staring me directly in the eyes. "I used to be a freaking doll."

At the mention of their previous lives, I took a step onto the front porch so I could stand up on my toes and reach for his face.

When he grinned down at me—probably internally laughing at the fact he'd forgotten how short I was—his dimples were visible enough for me to poke at.

"It is you!" I screamed, launching myself into his arms to hug him like a spider monkey. I gazed back at his face, grinning from ear to ear. "Why didn't you tell me Namjoon was mailing me one of you for my birthday?"

"Why didn't you tell me you were going to be ungrateful and slam the door in my face? We should've sent Yoongi instead."


That means they were only able to send one of them, I told myself.

Of course, I was happy to see Hoseok. More than happy.

But that didn't mean I didn't miss the others just as much.

I maintained my smile, trying not to give away the small falter in my happiness, and unwrapped my arms from around Hoseok's neck while I planted myself back on my feet.

"What's wrong?" He immediately inputted.

Damn it.

"I—" I sighed. "How are the others doing?"

His smile faded until his lips blended in with the rest of his features in their calm and relaxed state.

"They wanted to come, Y/N. They really did. But it was difficult negotiating all of us to leave the country for a little bit."

"I see," I sighed. "Well, it is so good to see you. I'm really glad you came. I've missed you guys so much."

"Aw, come here."

Hoseok rested his head on mine, wrapping his arms around me until my face was pressed into his sweater. Blinded by the cotton, I attempted to wiggle myself out of his grip but he wouldn't let me.

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