09. The Aftermath

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"As soon as you left, the cat tried to kill us!" Hoseok exclaimed, pointing to where Kitty was lazily sprawled along my feet. "It was the only way to get her to leave us alone after nearly escaping with our lives."

"Do you realize I can't just replace everything with the snap of my fingers? I'm not that financially stable," my voice was strained, my fists clenching at my sides.

"We're sorry," Namjoon said, palms up in surrender.

I took a single step forward, and it was enough to send the dolls scattering through my apartment. It was a repeat of when Kitty initially chased them after I first discovered they were alive, except that time they were running from me. But instead of going through the effort of catching them all like Pokémon, I began cleaning up the place, annoyed.

As I muttered a string of angry curses, Yoongi was the first one to face me again. I had pulled out the kitchen trash and began throwing broken pieces of glass into it. Yoongi collected the smaller pieces together by swiping them into a pile with his feet. We worked together in silence, refusing to acknowledge each other.

"What if she stabs him with a piece of glass?" Jungkook questioned, keeping his voice low.

"Do you think he'll bleed or just be punctured like a piece of plastic?" A long stretch of silence followed Taehyung's question before he added, "what?"

Jin's voice followed, quieter than the other two. "I think we better not find out."

"She doesn't like Yoongi, and she hasn't killed him yet. Her breathing is steady. I think it's safe for the rest of us to help now." Jimin concluded.

"I'm not going anywhere with that cat around," Hoseok muttered.

I stood up, dusting off my pants and sprinkling the tiny pieces of glass that collected on my hands into the trash can. "Come out here, now. Or I'll suck all of you up into my vacuum."

Yoongi snorted and didn't even flinch at my words. I didn't know how far I would have to go to intimidate Yoongi.

But I would worry about him later.

"Taehyung first!" Hoseok shouted, pushing his friend forward as a sacrifice, again. Poor Taehyung.

I sighed. "I won't hurt you. Now come out, please."

One by one in a single file line, the boys emerged from their hiding place behind the couch. Taehyung lead the line. Jimin was behind him, peeking over his shoulder and looking at me suspiciously. Hoseok was scanning the room for any sign of my cat, who had fled into my bedroom to take a nap.

I paused to go get the vacuum from the closet. The dolls started shouting in protest.

"You said you wouldn't hurt us!"

"Someone call the police!"

"She's going to sacrifice us to the sucking monster!"

I choked at the sound of the last sentence. Everyone of us turned to look at Taehyung with unamused expressions. It reminded me of when Jim from The Office looked at the camera.

"Anyway," I began, ignoring Taehyung's confused look. "You guys can relax, this isn't for any of you. Unless you pull this stunt again."

They all nodded in sync, rapidly moving their chins up and down in the air.

"But now I know I can't trust any of you here alone with my cat, so you're going to have to come with me to work tomorrow. Don't cause any trouble," I said, then my gaze travelled to Taehyung and Hoseok. "And for the love of everything holy, be quiet."

♡ ♡ ♡

I should had known better than to bring them with me.

For starters, I had to bring a small backpack instead of my normal purse so that the dolls would have room to breathe. They would have to stay in there for around eight hours, sitting on a shelf behind the registers that I prayed no one would tamper with.

I should have known they would only cause trouble. They were dolls and capable of getting away with anything at their size, after all.

"Hi Y/N," Logan immediately greeted upon my arrival. I jumped, protectively wrapping my arms around my bag. The dolls shifted under where my hands were pressed against the bag. His brows pulled together at my awkward behavior.

"Um, hi. I have to go to the bathroom," you nodded at him, then immediately rushed to the women's bathroom.

It was a little difficult, trying to not shake the bag as I rushed away. As soon as I made it inside, safely, I propped my bag up by the sinks and shook the zipper until it opened up. Five pairs of small eyes looked back up at me.

"Where are the other two?" I hissed.

"Here," Namjoon climbed his way out from underneath a sweater I threw in. Yoongi pulled himself out from underneath my wallet seconds later.

"Okay," I said, satisfied that they were all still in one piece. "I have to go put my bag away now. Get comfortable, you're going to be in there for awhile."

"Will you feed us halfway through?" Jin asked with wide eyes.

I sighed, "I just bought you breakfast."

Someone opened the door so I quickly pressed my phone against my ear and slammed the bag shut. The dolls moved and groaned at the sudden movement.

"Yes," I said, loudly. "Yeah. My lunch break is in about four hours. We can eat then."

I zipped the bag shut and slung it over my shoulder, keeping the phone wedged between my ear and shoulder as I snuck out of the bathroom. "Yes, okay. Bye."

The lady gave me a weird look before entering one of the stalls. I subconsciously stuck my tongue at her after she closed the stall door as I left the bathroom. Where Logan was waiting for me.

"Are you okay?" He asked as I stepped out, curving around him and making a beeline to the registers.

"Yeah, just fine," I assured him. He walked beside me.

"Are you sure? You look like you've been caught doing something you're not supposed to."

I stopped in my tracks and faced him, seriousness captivating me. "Don't you have work to be doing? I'm fine."

His head drooped at my words. "Sorry. I'll talk to you later."

He disappeared behind a bookshelf. I dropped to the floor as soon as I reached the registers and tucked my bag away. My fingers found themselves running through my hair and over my scalp, tugging.

It was going to be a long day.



I'm so sorry for the late update! I've had a lot going on and I was also inspired to start a new story (I know I said I wouldn't start a new story until I finished this one, I just got too excited). It's called "Between Shades" and it's up on my profile if you want to check it out. I've been working really hard on it and enjoying every second of it. :)

Also for some reason my writing with Doll House seems to be absolutely awful compared to my new story????

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