23. The Seven Nurses

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"What are you making?"

I took a few steps back from the kitchen table to admire my work. Jungkook was laying on his stomach with his chin resting on his fists, legs occasionally kicking back and forth in the air like scissors as he watched me.

"It's officially been twenty-four hours since anyone has last seen Yoongi, so I decided that this is necessary."

Jungkook stood up from his spot on the kitchen table to get a better look at my masterpiece.

"Missing Meow Meow," Jungkook read off of the little flyer I created. "If found, please don't return him. Just poke him in the ribs a few times to make sure he's alive. Then back up before his claws come out."

Jungkook stared at me after reading it a few more times to himself. "Noona, what are you—"

"Please, Jungkook. How many times do I have to ask you not to call me that? You know that formalities make me uncomfortable."

"Sorry," he mumbled, looking back at my poster. "What do you plan to do with this, exactly?"

"I'm going to make copies and post them all over the apartment," I grinned.

Jungkook's gaze went blank. "You do know that we're the only ones that'll see them, right? In this small apartment?"

I snatched the poster up and away from his judgemental watch. "Just let me live my life."

He sighed, shaking his head with a small smile. "Is there a reward for when someone finds him?"

I shook my head. "I haven't thought that far ahead, yet."

"How about a kiss?"

Jimin hoisted himself onto the table's surface before standing next to Jungkook and wrapping his arms around his shoulders. Jungkook dodged the wet kiss Jimin tried to smother onto the side of his face as an illustration of his idea.

"I'm not a princess and you guys aren't frogs," I rolled my eyes. "Plus, that's weird. Absolutely not."

"You're no fun, Y/N," Jimin whined. "A kiss from you would encourage me to at least try looking for Yoongi."

Jungkook considered Jimin's response before slowly nodding in agreement, a slight flush of red fanning over his cheeks.

"Why do you care, anyway? I thought he annoys you," Jin asked from inside the kitchen, adjusting his appearance by using his reflection on the side of the microwave.

I knew he had a point. "Doesn't mean I can't be at least concerned for his well-being."

That earned an annoyed reaction out of Jin, his gaze sharpening. "I swear you guys act like a divorced couple. Like you'd kill each other but be devastated once either of you actually die."

"Married couples act like that, too," Jimin pointed out with a chuckle, elbowing Jungkook in the rib.

I was going to say more but Kitty slowly approached my feet and rubbed her leg against my ankle. When I glanced down, I found Hoseok mounted on her back and scratching behind her ears.

"What happens if Kitty finds her?" Hoseok asked, attention still affixed to Kitty.

"Then I'd have to plan a funeral," I said as deadpanned as I could.

"Kitty's or Yoongi's funeral?" Hoseok wondered, eyes widening as he clung to his precious Kitty.

"Worst case scenario, both. Anyway, who wants to help me get this project started?"

♡ ♡ ♡

"Y/N," someone whispered.

"—Taehyung! Why aren't you wearing your diaper? You aren't off the hook—" I heard Namjoon scolding in the far distance.

"Y/N," the voice next to me continued. "Wake up."

"Mmmm..." I groaned in protest, flipping over to return to sleep and knocking over whoever tried to wake me up.

"Y/N! Stop trying to avoid me," one of the dolls said as he climbed up my arm to stand on my shoulder. "I found Yoongi sleeping on the rice in the back of the fridge when I went to heat up your leftover Thai food. You can call off the search now," Jin's voice, I finally recognized, continued. "Also, you're running late for work."

I didn't move and my jaw slowly went slack. Seconds later I felt a small palm pressed against my forehead.

"Oh man... she's burning up... guys! Get in here! Y/N has fallen ill—"

I faded out of consciousness.

♡ ♡ ♡

"It's no wonder she's sick, she's been staying up and dedicating hours to all of this," was the first thing I could hear after waking up. Namjoon.

Oh no. What if they figure out what I'd been doing in an attempt to keep them safe?

"Yeah, she got an email response from someone that knew her father. But they can't help. She's really determined to figure out where we came from," Yoongi noted.

Get off my laptop you nosy mint leaf!

I groaned, reaching to touch my head. It ached to the point where I didn't want to even try to open my eyes.

"Has anyone figured out how we can help her?" Hoseok asked.

"Me!" Taehyung gasped as if he made a brand-new discovery. "I know, pick me!"

"What did you find, Taehyung? Jin asked after a long sigh.

"Statistics show that lung cancer is caused by having lungs!" Taehyung announced, proudly.


"No shit, Tae. Statistics also show that you're more likely to go through childbirth if you get pregnant," Yoongi sassed.

There was a pause.

"Really?" Taehyung finally asked, excited by the new information. "No way!"

Another pause.

"I just facepalmed so hard I think I almost gave myself a concussion," Jungkook muttered from beside my ear. It took me a second to realize it was because he was curled against my neck, cooling off the heat in my neck with little pieces of ice.

I groaned again, trying to readjust my position, before losing myself to sleep again.

♡ ♡ ♡

When I woke up again, one of the dolls was gently singing to me with the most soothing tone.

"When Y/N wakes up try to get her to come eat, Jin and I made her soup!" Jimin called from the kitchen.

I jerked to an upright position, sending whichever doll was cuddled against me flying.

"Oh, sorry..." I trailed off before wiping away a huge section of saliva from my cheek.

"It's alright..." Jungkook groaned in pain, slowly moving to his feet. "Do you feel better?"


"Oh. Well... uh... the others heated up some soup for you without blowing up the kitchen. You should eat," Jungkook told me.

"How sweet," I grumbled. "But I don't want it if Yoongi had anything to do with it."

"He didn't," Jungkook chuckled. "And Noona?"

I was in too much pain to scold him for calling me that again. "Yes?"

"We know you're trying to keep us away from the shady guy," Jungkook rambled. "And we want to help."


I let out the ugliest groan before picking up a pillow and slamming it against my face. 

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