07. Family Meeting

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After dinner, I gathered up all the dishes and gave a rag to the boys. The agreement was that I would do the dishes and put the leftovers away while the dolls would work together to clean the tables.

"Do you live alone, Y/N?" Jungkook asked me as I rinsed their bowls out.

"It's just me and Kitty," I nodded my head toward my cat who was lapping up the water in her bowl. "Plus you guys now, I guess."

I turned to face them, chuckling as they equally shared the rag and pushed it along the table. Yoongi was laying down off to the side, barely able to keep his eyes open.

"Speaking of which," I turned the faucet off and wiped my hands off on a towel. "Now that this whole situation is a thing, we're going to need to discuss the living arrangements. Set boundaries. Rules. I now have seven barbie-sized men living in my apartment."

"Like a family meeting?" Taehyung asked excitedly the same time Hoseok wondered "aren't Barbies taller?" out loud.

"I guess," I answered Taehyung, then looked at Hoseok. "And I don't know, I've never owned a Barbie doll."

They started muttering amongst themselves, but I cut them off. "The point is, I have work tomorrow so I need to get to bed. We'll have more time to figure all of this stuff out tomorrow, but for now, we need to—"

"Where are we gonna sleep?" Yoongi interrupted, taking the words right out of my mouth. He yawned and stretched, mint hair moving over his forehead as he did so.

"In your beds. I can get them set up for you—" I began to answer, but got cut off again.

"Oh c'mon, that's boring. Can't we sleep with you on your bed?" Jimin pouted, puffing out his full lips and making his round cheeks stand out more. It was kind of adorable.

I flushed. "No! Absolutely not."

"Careful Y/N, your glasses are fogging up." Jin teased, earning a laugh from Namjoon.

"Alright. If you guys don't shut up, I'll—I'll uh—" I trailed off, my mind completely blank of any threats.

"You'll—you'll uh—what? What will you do, Y/N?" Yoongi challenged, pale lids barely open.

I'll kick your ass for mocking me Mr. Grandpa with toothpaste hair, I thought.

"I'll make you sleep outside." I said, proud of my bluff. It would actually be dangerous for me to do that to them.

Yoongi fake gasped, holding a hand over his heart and feigned hurt. "You wouldn't."

It was like Yoongi and I were suddenly thrown in an old mid-west stare down and the rest of the boys were uncomfortable witnesses. Yoongi was quickly learning how to get under my skin and use it to his advantage. It made me feel like a victim to a doll.

"No," I answered truthfully. "I wouldn't. So can you guys please get settled in for the night so I can go to bed?"

"We can get our own beds set up," Jin said, casting a serious look at the others. Namjoon nodded in agreement.

Yoongi smirked at me, and then sputtered out several sentences in Korean. Whatever he said caught Jimin's attention, squinting as he appeared to be joking back with him in Korean. Jungkook smiled but shook his head.

"What are they saying?" I directed the question to either Namjoon or Jin, or anyone that would answer.

Taehyung, clueless to the other's threatening gazes, started, "they were saying how they would sneak into —"

Namjoon slapped a hand over the other doll's mouth, stopping him from finishing his sentence. "We can get our own beds set up, it's fine."

I raised my eyebrows at their exchange, but shrugged it off as I sauntered off to go get ready for bed, leaving them to it.

♡ ♡ ♡

I was surprised to find that the dolls actually went through with their promise to set up their own furniture. After I had changed into my pajamas, washed my face, and brushed my teeth, I had wandered back into the living room to check on them and make sure nothing had happened to them in my absence.

Sure enough, all seven of their beds were lined up on my living room floor, next to a pile of their abandoned clothes. They had also changed into clothes to wear to bed.

Kitty followed me as I went to pick up their dirty clothes, curiously watching the dolls.

"Alright," I slowly smiled at them. They looked up from their positions over their other accessories, lost in the objects my anonymous gifter left for them. "Goodnight, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Won't you kiss us goodnight?" Jimin teased.

My neck heated at the awkward thought of giving seven live dolls each a kiss goodnight. I shook my head quickly, which earned a frown from some of them.

"Just give each other kisses," I awkwardly worded before I could fix the sentence in my head.

"Good idea," Jimin then puckered his lips and chased a wide-eyed Yoongi away from the beds.

"Don't, or else I'll really kill you." Yoongi yelped.

"Goodnight, Y/N," Taehyung cutely waved as I walked back toward my own bedroom. Hoseok quickly copied his action, along with Jin, Namjoon, and Jungkook.

I left the door open, just in case, and then immediately snuggled under my blankets, Kitty curled at my side. The exhaustion from the day led me straight into a comfortable sleep.

A comfortable sleep that was disrupted a few hours later by a tiny voice.

"Y/N?" someone said from beside my head. "Can I sleep here? I can't sleep in there, they're snoring."

I swatted at whatever it was, half asleep. The smaller form jumped out of the way before I could inflict any damage.

"Y/N, please," the tiny, annoying voice continued. Then I felt a small hand on my head, shaking me awake.

I sat up quickly and reached for my lamp. The sudden light burned, so I only kept one eye open as my eyes searched my room for the intruder. That's when I noticed Jungkook standing on my pillow with his own doll sized pillow and blanket.

"What are you —" I sleepily muttered, not even bothering to finish the sentence.

"I was wondering if I could sleep here tonight," he repeated.

I must have been too tired to fully comprehend what he was asking me, because I nodded and then reached to turn the light back off. "Just don't get offended if I roll over and accidentally crush you in my sleep."



Sorry, this was kind of a lame update aha.

Updates are going to be slow for a little bit because I got inspired for some other story ideas and I also got really sick :(

Also, if I didn't get to one of your stories please know there are a lot for me to catch up on and I'll get to it eventually! I'm trying to manage my time well between sleeping and wattpad pretty much at this point, haha. 

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