Collins - 'Hot Chocolate girl'

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"I think that you are scared" Your friend smirked as you drank you hot chocolate; walking with her around the military camp.

"Of what?" You raise an eyebrow to her as she continues to rant about your well aware issues.

"You do not want to be heartbroken." She answers proudly and you roll your eyes at the crazy girl holding onto your arm.

"Does anyone want to be heartbroken?" You laugh sarcastically. "Who would willingly wish to be heartbroken?"

"You know what I mean Y/N" She huffs while you let out a stifle laugh. The two of you were getting some fresh air on the glorious Sunday morning because it was your only day off within the camp and it only happened twice a month.

As the two of you carelessly laughed aloud, gossiping and chatting; you did not seem to notice that there was in fact someone in front of you. Before you managed to realise the two of you smacked into one another and fell to the ground; your hot chocolate going all over yourself and the person knocked to the ground.

Mumbling a few curse words at your clumsy persona as you wipe down some of the hot chocolate – thanking the God above that it was not that hot.,

"Here let me help you" You hear a Scottish voice softly speak as you look up; taking his outstretched hand in your own.

"Thank you" You stutter and you look up to see a very handsome man in front of you. Blushing, you look down to see him in his air force uniform, which makes you all giddy even more – definitely the best uniform.

"You are welcome" He smiles and you look back up to see him staring down at you; his hair falling down past his eyes slightly.

"I am sorry about that" You gush as you wipe off the hot chocolate you had poured over his chest. Wiping his uniform with a small handkerchief; he puts a hand over yours to stop you from moving it anymore.

"It is fine" He smiles gently and you take a step back. "Honestly. What is your name?"

"Y/N!" You heard your best friend call for you and you turned your head to see her hurrying you on with her hand. Turning back to the man, you roll your eyes and he laughs slightly.

"My name is Y/N" You smile softly and he looks you up and down. "And you?"

"Collins." He smiles and puts his hand out. "Jack Collins."

"Nice to meet you Mr Collins." You sincerely speak as you put your hand in his for the second time. "And again I am really sorry about your uniform."

"Never mind about that" He brushes over and then removes his hand; your hand returning to your side. "It was really nice to meet you too"

"Goodbye" You bite down on your lip and turn around to go back to your friends who are chatting away about something.

You cannot help but think of the man as you continue to walk with your friends; wishing you had spoken to him for a little longer. The feeling was strange and one you had surely never felt before. The girls were talking and you did not seem to take any notice; not even sure whether they were talking to you or not.

The Scottish man crowded your thoughts. It was a feeling you had never felt before and you were sure that it was for a particular reason. The accidental, cliché move, made you blush as you replayed it in your mind.

"He was so good looking" One of them says, snapping you from your own thoughts.

"I know right" Your best friend answers and you just listen to them; not saying anything. "Y/N you are a very lucky lady."

"I do not even know him" You blush and you all walk into the dorms you had been assigned.

"Well whatever the case." Another spoke; pulling out the wine from her handbag. "We are attending the local dance tonight."

"I just wanted a night in" You groaned and the all rolled their eyes at you.

"Stop being boring" One of the friends threw their pillow at you; making you fake gasp and you threw it straight back to her.

"I am sensible" You laugh; trying to defend yourself. "Not boring."

"Just come!" They all groan and you can do nothing but only give in to what they want you to do.


"Isn't this fun?" One of them squealed as they danced away on their own, another sat at the table chatting up a man, your best friend dancing the jive with another gentleman; another snogging the face off a man she had just met.

"So much" You reply sarcastically with a cheeky smirk. You admit only to yourself you were having a little fun; you dare not tell the others.

"Hey hot chocolate" You hear a familiar voice say from behind you. You turn around to face the voice and you see Jack stood in front of you.

"I see you are no longer wearing it." You tease as he bends closer; trying to hear you over the music.

"What?" He shouts slightly; making you laugh.

"I said I see you are no longer wearing it" You shout again and he laughs back to you; making you giggle back.

"Indeed I am not" He teases back and then pulls your hand to follow him. "So because I feel very bad for ruining your hot chocolate, will you do me the honour of dancing with me."

"I thought an act of apology was supposed to be what the person wants" You smirk; surprised by your outburst of flirtatious comments.

"Exactly" he smirks as he puts a hand on your waist; pulling you closer. "It is what the person wants."

You put a hand on his shoulders as he grins hugely at you.

"You are so sure" You answer back with a grin and he brings you closer to him.

"I am indeed" He whispers as the two of you sway around the dance floor; capturing the attention of everyone in the room.

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