Collins - 'Saving you'

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"He is going to drop!" You heat one of them men scream at the top of their lungs as the sound of a bomb rattled the entire ship.

"Am I going to die?" One of your patients cried out as he scream in pain, from a wound from a previous attack.

"No" You whisper, not sure whether you believe the words as you say them and holding onto whatever hope was left.

That was the hardest part for you as a nurse, having to tell people they were okay to ensure they did not panic. People do crazy things when fear sets in.

"He is going to drop another"

"Abandon ship!" You hear people scream and another bomb drops on the boat; making you smack against the side of the boat.

Grunting in pain, you turn and look to see the men falling away as the ship turned on its side; beginning to sink very quickly.

Breathing heavily, you gripped onto the side before you jumped into the water and feeling safe that it was the right height to do so.

Men screamed around you as they pushed past you, not wanting to be caught under the ships current as it sank. You didn't take it to heart because you too, wanted to survive.

"Help!" You hear someone cry as they slowly drown in the water. Tears pricked your eyes as you saw a man take his final breath.

Swimming away, you see a boat. Everyone seemed to be heading to a boat that was closer by. Using your initiative you decide that the smaller boat would probably be better. As you swam the water got more and more thick, the oil getting caught on your face as you swam.

"Help!" You call out to the small boat, seeing two men on the edge. One put their hand out and you tried to grab it.

"Just a little further" The voice speaks; Scottish?

"I can't" You cry, wanting to give up.

"Yes you can" He encourages you to continue on. Reaching and swimming further to the man; you hand clasps around his as he swiftly pulls you up and onto the small boats decking.

Falling slightly, he puts his hands on your waist to keep you from falling to the ground. Hearing the screams of the men calling out for help seemed to haunt you as you put your head in the strangers chest.

"I'm sorry" You stutter as you step back. Running your hand over your hair as you look out into the sea. "Thank you."

"You are welcome" He smiles and you look back to see the most handsome man with the most captivating blue eyes.

Smiling slightly, you say nothing more.

"Would you like a drink?" A younger boy asks you, handing a cup of tea.

"Thank you" You stutter again, drinking the tea. Holding in all tears that were wanting to come out. The man that saved your life placed a blanket over your shoulder.

"Where are you from?" He asks you.

"I am from Cambridge" You answer him and he nods his head. "And you are from Scotland?"

"Born and raised" He winked, which made you blush slightly; however he could not see so we'll die to the oil on your face.

"I went to Scotland once" You smile as you use a flannel on the side to wipe your face.

"What did you think of it?" He questions leaning against the side.

"I never wanted to come home" You grin with a fresh face and the man in front of you gawked at your face.

"I am glad you enjoyed your time" He chuckles and you grin back to him, momentarily forgetting where you were or what was going on. "So, what is your name?"

"Y/N Y/L/N" you smile and sips on your tea. "And you?"

"Jack Collins." He smiles back and you bite down on your lip. "And you are a nurse?"

"I am indeed" You look down to your dirty white uniform.

"You are a nurse?" The young boy asked as you turned to face him.

"Yes" You answer again.

"Do you think you could help my friend?" He asks and you look to your new friend Jack as you walk past him, following the boy to where he needed your help.

"What happened?" You asked as you see the younger boy lying on the floor in pain, blood coming through the bandage.

"He fell." One answered as a soldier came to the top of the opening.

"What is his name?" You asked.


"George, can you hear me?" You ask the innocent boy as he cries out slightly. The soldier walks away out of the corner of your eye. "My name is Y/N. I am a nurse George."

"I can't see" He cries and your heart sinks. Looking up to jack, you shake your head no.

"George, why don't you have a nap?" You smile, a tear rolling down your cheek. "Here, lets make you comfy."

You put a pillow behind his neck and he closes his eyes. His breathing slowing down.

"I am so sorry" You mutter to the old man and what looked like his son. "I don't think he will survive the trip home."

"Are you sure?" The young boy grabbed your wrists and you flinched slightly. The only thing you could do was to nod your head in reply.

"I am really sorry" You mutter and walk away to the top of the boat for fresh air.

You looked out into the distance and scrunched your face together as you saw two dots coming closer and closer.

"Sir, there is enemy craft coming this way" You call out for help as you begin to panic. Looking up, you see one British and one German plane coming around in a circle.

"It's one of ours" One of them shouts in joy, knowing that we would be safe.

"Come on Farrier" You hear Jack mutter as he looks up to see the plane on the back of the enemy craft.

"Is he your friend?" You ask Jack and he nods his head.

"A brother to me" He smiles and then a sharp turn makes you stumble; causing you to fall into Jack.

"Sorry" You breathes out as he catches you.

"Seems like I am saving you a lot Miss Y/L/N" He winks and you blush profusely.

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