Farrier - 'Always at your service.'

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"Collins" You hear a man say from behind Jack.

"Farrier!" He laughs as they envelope in a generous hug. "It has been a while! How are you?"

"I am well now." The handsome man chuckles to Jack. "I was fighting over at France but I am back now for a few weeks; they have allowed me time off."

"Well it is good to have you back." He says with a genuine smile. Jack turns to look to you and then lifts a hand to you. "Tom, this is Y/N. Y/N this is Tom Farrier."

"Nice to meet you" You smile with a slight blush.

"And you too Mam" He picks up and your hand a places a gentle kiss on it; your body flushing from head to toe.

"So you work with Jack in the RAF" You piece together and ask the man, Tom.

"Yes" He replies. "We have worked alongside each other for many years."

"You were in the RAF before the war?" You bite down on your lip and you see his eyes look down to them as you do it.

"Yes, I was" He coughs and pulls his the sleeves down on his suit.

"Y/N you will never guess who has just arrived" You best friend gasped as you turned to see the man, Jake, who had been trying on with you at every dance.

You groan and see he is with his other three followers.

"He won't bother you tonight" She laughs as she looks towards Jack and Tom. "Just get one of them behind you. Hi I am Y/B/N, Y/N best friend."

"Nice to meet you" Tom shakes her hand as Jack gives his friend a hug before kissing her cheek.

"Tom, why don't you dance with her?" Jack suggested as you blushed, looking towards Tom.

"Only if you want too" You interrupt them as you look to Tom.

"Of course I do" He smiles softly as he offers his hand out to you. "Would you care to dance with me?"

"Of course" You blush and he holds your hand as you both walk to the dance floor; capturing the looks from Jake and his friends.

"How long are you here for?" You ask him as he places your hand in his and spins you around, moving his feet to the music.

"3 months" He smiles as you place a hand on his chest, pushing him back playfully. "I am glad I am here."

"And why is that Mr Farrier?" You smile softly, looking up to him.

"Because I get to dance with beautiful ladies" He winks and you laugh out loud, making him chuckle back.

"I bet you say that to all the girls" you wiggle your eyebrows as you dance to the fast beat music; pulling you to his chest and spinning around the place.

"Only the one" He whispers in your ear; while your back is against his body.

You shiver at his touch; looking to the side to see him.

"That's Good then" You smile, blushing as you twirl back, colliding into his chest.

"So, who is the guy you want to avoid?" He asked as you looked up to each other; swaying once more.

"His name is Jake. He has tried to get with me at every dance, but it is just starting to get on my nerves." You huff and he lets out a laugh. "But do not think that is why I am dancing with you, to avoid him."

"Why would that be wrong to think?" He questions, making you look to the both of your feet; then looking up after a few moments.

"Because I want to dance with you." You honestly answer, making you look away.

"Look at me" He begs and you do as he asks. His eyes traced along your face as you blushed even more. "You are beautiful Y/N."

"Thank you" You smile; biting down on your lip and letting out a small giggle. He smirks and looks to the side, making you admire his face as he smiled. "You are alright yourself."

"Well, aren't you kind" He smiles sweetly as he turns back to face you; making you giggle again - him laughing too.

The two of you stay in silence and sway slowly to the music; with your head resting on his chest - due to the height difference.

"Y/N!" You year the familiar voice gasp in surprise as you looked up to see Farriers expression. "I'll take it from here air boy."

Jake pulled your arm and he dragged you off, you looked around to see Tom still standing there - in complete shock of what had just happened. He did not want to start a fight, but he also wanted to protect you from him.

"Jake get off me, your grip is hurting me." You yelp as his wrist tightens around you.

"Shut up." He snapped and you frowned, not helping but feeling gutted that Tom did not come after you.

Jake pulled you to the side of the building, outside, letting go of you and standing back.

"Why were you flirting with him!" He yells and you stand there in shock and confused by the stupid accusations - even if they were true.

"Even if I was-" You began and looked to Jake. "Why would I have anything to do with you. We are not together Jake-"

"But we should be" He stops you and walks closer, but you step back.

"Look Jake... I have said it before," You began, meanwhile, he did not want to listen to what you had to say. "And I will gladly say it again. I am not interested!"

He sucks his tongue on his teeth and shrugs, sniffing as he looks to the side in horror, that someone has rejected him.

"Y/N-" He began but the sound of a deep, familiar, safe voice said, emerging from the corner.

"She said she isn't interested." Tom deeply spoke as he defended you.

"Sorry sir" He mumbled and hurried away.

"Wow!" I breathed out. "Why couldn't of you said that earlier?" I joked.

He chuckled and brushed a hand through his hair.

"I appreciate your help." I blushed and looked to him; leaning up and pressing my lips to his cheek.

"Always at your service." He softly smiled and tucked some of my hair behind my ear.

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