Farrier - 'Confident'

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"Tom you are going to honestly get me in so much trouble." You gasped, pecking his lips once more, as he had you against the dinning hall building.

"I don't care-" He began, smirking as he looked down to you.

"You will when I will have to work more, because someone won't let me do my job." You say on his lips.

"They can all starve, I don't care." He moaned, kissing your neck, which sent you giddy.

"Tom Stop." You laughed, pushing him back.

"Kiss me?" He pouted and you huffed, smiling at the man in front of you.

"Fine, one more and that's it." You smiled, leaning up and giving him the most passionate kiss the two of you had ever shared. You pulled back unwillingly, but you knew if you were caught again you would get seriously told off.

"You are so beautiful." He breathed out, but you pushed him back playfully.

"I know." You teased, winking at him. "Now let me get back to my job."

Rolling your eyes playfully, you walked away; still feeling the eyes of Tom watching as you swayed your hips.

As you arrived at the kitchens, your friends looked to you with a slight annoyance on their faces.

"Where have you been?" Janice snapped, a woman you did not like a lot. "We are going through our busiest time and you are too busy sucking the face off of-"

"Then why don't you be quiet and let her get on with her job." Joan defended you, making you chuckle slightly as you stood beside your friend.

"Thank you." You smiled, grabbing one of the plates and piling on the food; handing it over to the soldier in front of you. He mumbled a thank you and walked away, leaving the next one ready to take their plate.

"She is stuck up and I hate it." Joan mumbled to you, which made you nod your head in reply.

"I agree." You breathed out a laugh, handing the next plate along.

"I'm assuming you were with Farrier again?" She teased, raising her eyebrows up and down.

"Possibly." You blushed, tucking a stray hair behind your ear.

"You two are sweet together." She complimented, making you smile widely. "You should get married and I'll be the bridesmaid."

"Joan!" You laughed, smacking her arm at her comment. "We have been courting for 5 months."

"That's enough time to get married, isn't it?" She winked and you, making you roll your eyes playfully.

"There is a war going on, you know?" You reminded her. "I wouldn't want to get married now."

"More the better to get married now." Joan exasperated, laughing. "If you got married now, you could be together after the war."

"But what if he doesn't come back?" You blurted out, getting scared of the idea, of Tom not coming back.

"Your love is stronger than you think." She smiled, handing a plate over. "Now, what colour will the bridesmaid dresses be?"

"Joan!" You gasped playfully, smacking her arm.

"Who's getting married?" The familiar deep voice asked, coming into your line of vision.

"No one." You blurted out, looking at Tom with a blush. Hoping that Joan wasn't going to say anything."

"Oh I thought you said-" Tom began but you cut him off.

"Here's your food." You stuttered, smiling at his handsome face.

"Thank you mam." He winked, walked along the line and getting a drink.

"He is very dreamy." Joan gushed, making you smack her arm again.

"Remember that dreamy man is mine." You warned playfully. "But I have to agree, he is handsome."

"You are a very lucky girl." She pushed your shoulders gently, smirking before handing the last plate over and covering over the remaining food. "Lets go eat our dinner with them?"

"Yes" You agreed, plating up food on two plates for yourself and Joan. As you walked around with the plate in your hands and Joan walking beside you, Janice stepped in front of you both with a sour look on her face.

"You are not supposed to eat with them." She folded her arms, with a glare across her angry face.

"Move aside Janice." Joan rolled her eyes, pulling your arm and the both of you walk right past her - towards Tom and his friends.

"Space for two more?" You whispered in Toms ear, making him turn around and look to you with a massive smile on his face.

"Always." He smirked, moving up and letting you sit beside him, while Joan sat on the opposite side. "Beautiful meal sweetheart."

"I didn't cook it Tom, just a dish up girl." You raised an eyebrow up and down, before leaning into him, as he put his arm around you and resting it on the chair behind.

Moving closer to him, the group of you all began to laugh and joke with one another. You were flirting with Tom, kissing one another non stop and joking with the rest of them around you.

"He didn't!"Joan gasped, looking to Michael as he put an arm around her.

"He did and he fell flat on his face." He replied, making us all chuckle. "He was so embarrassed."

"I can imagine!" Joan giggled, moving closer to Michael.

"Bless him." You breathed out, Tom kissing your cheek.

"He was so cock sure, he deserved to fall over." Tom laughed, which made you roll your eyes playfully.

"Y/N and Joan!" The head chef snapped, making you both stand up quickly and caused everyone to go silent. "Why on earth are you out here?"

"Because we-" Joan began, but the old bag cut her off.

"No excuses-"

"But you asked-"

"I said no excuses." She snapped, making you jump slightly.

"Hey, enough." Tom snapped as he stood up, which made you feel more nervous. Sometimes Tom did not think before he spoke and that worried you greatly in this situation - worrying it might make things worse.

"Excuse me?" She breathed out a shaky response.

"They were just eating." He shrugged his shoulders, making the head chef get more and more angrier.

"Mr Farrier, just because you and Y/N have romantic connections, does not mean that she is immune to every rule I have put in place." She snapped, folding her arms and looking towards Tom and you.

Blushing bright red, everyones eyes were on you and Tom.

"Oh come on-" Tom began and you stepped forward, looking up at Tom.

"I will see you later." You smirked, feeling a sudden burst to piss off the woman even more. Leaning up you smacked your lips on Toms, his arms wrapped around your waist and your lips moved in sync with one another.

Moving closer to him, you ran your fingers through your hair and then pulled away suddenly. Wiping your mouth slightly, you smirked and walked away from Tom - right past the old woman and walked alongside Joan.

"You go girl." Joan smirked, seeing everyone watching you with their eyes open widely at you.

"Feeling great." You grinned, trying not to look like a creep for smiling too much.

As you turned around, Toms lustful eyes looked to you and he winked. Before being pulled away by some of the lads.

Your confidence had come back!

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