Collins - 'Stay With Me.'

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"Y/N, come on we are going to be late." Your friend Olivia called out as she rushed off in front of you.

"I am coming." You sighed, grabbing your bag and rushing off to catch up to her. "Surely it doesn't matter if we are late."

"I want a table." She giggled and grabbed your hand, pulling you into the town hall, where the end of week dance was always held. "See we got the table I wanted." She grinned as she placed her jacket on the table.

"I wonder if-" You began to say, wondering if Jack was going to be here, but arms wrapped around you and spun you around. You were face to face with the one and only Jack Collins. "Jack." You grinned.

"Hey beautiful." He winked and pressed him lips on yours. You kissed back willingly, pulling back after a few moments.

"Dance with me?" You grinned, leaning your forehead against his. He smiled gently back, nodding his head as he grabbed your hands and dragged you gently to the dance floor.

His left arm wrapped around your waist, while he held your hand and leant it against his chest. You leaned your cheek on his chest as you both swayed to the music.

"I love you." He whispered in your ear, making you grin from ear to ear. Looking up to him, your nose brushed past his and you looked down to his lips.

"Say it again Jack." You mumbled back, making him grin and say it again.

"I love you." He smirked and then quickly brushed past your lips.

"I love you too." You giggled on his lips, but the moment was short lived when you friend pulled you away from him.

"You can't have her all to yourself Collins." She joked, grabbing your hands and dancing around as the music became more lively.

You both danced away, not giving a care in the world and seeing everyone having the same attitude.

Jack was across the room, talking with some of the boys who were alongside him, in the RAF. You smiled as he caught your eyes on him and that's when the dreaded sound went off. The air raid sirens.

Everyone let out a scream.

"Don't worry everyone, I have been told it's just a test." The man said into the microphone. But your head said otherwise.

That was when the sound of the whistle from a bomb came flying down and shattering some of the town halls windows.

Falling to the ground in a thud, you covered your head from the glass that came your way. Your friend Olive had done the same thing beside you and the two of you looked to each other with fear and a fight for survival in your eyes.

"We need to get somewhere safe." Olive shouted over the screams and hurried aura of everyone.

"I need to find Jack." You panicked and stood up, rushing into the middle of the crowd. "Jack!"

"Y/N come on!" Olive shouted and pulled you alongside her.

"No!" You restrained against her. "I need to find him!"

"Y/N-" She began to say but another bomb went off right beside you both; you flew to the ground and smacked your head.

Your eyes opened slowly, your ears rang and your vision was blurred. Focusing on what was going on, you saw more people running to safety.

Feeling your head, you saw the blood on your fingers as you looked down to your hands. Dizziness took over your body and you looked up to see Olive beside you; laying down and not moving. Blood was coming from her head too and you weakly moved over to her.

"Olive?" You whimpered, But she did not answer. "Olive wake up!"

You heart sank. You didn't want to believe she wasn't breathing anymore. The closer you watched her chest, the more it didn't move up and down. Grabbing her limp hand, you felt her wrist for some form of heartbeat - but there was none.

Tears filled your eyes and fell down your cheek freely. Putting your hand to your mouth to cover your screams and whimpers, you heard your name being called.

"Y/N!" You heard, which made you look up and see Jack coming towards you. He saw you were injured and crying uncontrollably.

Running over to you, he bent down and brushed some stray hair. As you gripped onto him, his head turned and he saw what you were grieving. His heart sank and he kissed the top of your head.

"We need to get out of her and go somewhere safe." He said loud enough you could hear.

Shaking your head, you pushed him away from you.

"I can't leave her." You cried out, looking to Olive, laying there so peacefully.

"Y/N, we need to go-" Jack shook his head. "There could be another bomb at any point, we need to go."

"But I don't want to let her go." You hiccuped, knowing he was right.

"She has already gone sweetheart." He whispered. "We need to keep safe."

Before another word was said. Before you could argue, he lifted you up and carried you outside - towards somewhere safe for the both of you. You screamed at him to let you go the entire time, wanting to stay with Olive. As he placed you down, you shoved him to the wall.

"I need to go back to her!" You shook your head, go to walk in the direction of where the dance had been.

"No you are not." Jack pulled you back into him, making you fight against him.

"Get off of me." You snapped, pushing him off you. "You don't understand."

"If you go back you might die too!" He shouted and pulled you so you were up against his chest.

"You don't get it Jack!" You screamed, before you burst out into tears. "I killed her. If I hadn't of tried to stay and find you, she might still be alive right now."

"I'm sorry sweetheart." He breathed out and you immediately felt bad. You didn't want jack to blame himself for the death of Olive.

"No, don't be." You sighed looking up to him. "I'm sorry Jack."

You nearly collapsed in his arms from exhaustion. He kissed the top of your head and held you closely to him.

"Let's take you home." He whispered, lifting you up once more and carrying you back to your home - that you once shared with olive.

Feeling a smack hit you once you walk in, you did not want to let go of Jack as he took you to your room. Laying you down, you quickly grabbed his hand before he could leave.

"Stay with me?" You begged and he nodded his head, taking off his jacket and laying next to you.

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