Peter - 'Mr Nice'

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"Y/N, grab the rope." Peter shouted so you could hear, over the commotion of the men shouting and the ship slowly sinking.

Your heart pounded as fast as a beat drum, not really listening to anyone but the sound of your breath going in and out. Your hands were shaking and your palms were sweaty - you were out of your comfort zone and Peter could see that.

"Hey-" He whispered gently in your ear, as he came behind you. "I have got you, okay?" He smiled, pulling you into his chest and hugging you gently.

"Peter the boat is sinking, we need to get as many on the boat as possible." Jack Collins called out, helping men onto the boat.

"We need to help them." He smiled and you nodded your head, trying to snap out of your trance. Taking a deep breath in, you leant down and pulled the rope out of the water, handing it to Peter. "Get some blankets for them, we will pull them out of the water."

"Be careful Peter." You blurted, before turning away and giving blankets to all the men that were coming onto the ship.

"Here you go." I smiled gently, handing one of the blankets to a young man, who did not seem that much older than me.

"Thank you." He weakly said, making my heart pour out in sorrow.

"There is more room at the bottom of the boat." You instructed them to go down, but none were inclined too. "Please, we need more people down there, it is too crowded on the top deck."

"You think you can tell us what to do?" A man came in front of you, making you feel threatened.

"Sir, all I am asking is for you to go down there, so more men can be saved." You explained calmly, but he was not listening to what you had to say.

"You think you can tell us what to do, little girl." He snarled again. "We have been fighting for your freedom and that is how you treat me, us?"

Not knowing what to say, you were afraid the man had flipped a switch inside of him.

"I am only trying to help." You whimpered, looking up to him with sorrowful eyes.

"You aren't helping at all." He spat, which now made you more angrier than sorrowful.

"Well, if you want then someone else can take your place." You snapped, folding your arms, getting so annoyed at the ungrateful man. "Feel free to get off-"

With one swoop, the mans hand connected to your face and it sent you down to the ground with a thud.

"Hey!" You heard Collins say as he came closer, seeing you on the ground. "What the hell is going on."

"Oh look, it is air boy coming to save the day-" The man snarled, making Jack punch him straight in the face.

"Jack!" You shouted, afraid he might get hurt.

"Peter get here!" Jack yelled out, which Peter ran straight in and saw you on the ground with a bright red cheek.

"What happened?" He asked, as he stood you to your feet.

"He hit me." You muttered into his chest, feeling Peter tense up as the words slipped from your mouth.

"He what?" He angrily spat, making you jump slightly from his sudden outburst.

"Please Peter, don't try and do anything." You pleaded, hugging into his more. "I just want to get these men home without more wars happening."

He nodded his head, knowing you were right. Peter walked over to Jack and the man, pulling them apart and looking to them sternly.

"Both of you quit." He snapped.

Both men stood there and watched the young man before them.

"We already have enough conflict going on, we do not need anymore!" He yelled so everyone could hear. "Now everyone, get down the stairs so more men can get on this boat!"

The men moved, following the instructions given by Peter. Smiling at the young man in front of you, he caught your eye and winked - which only made you blush.

"Looks like he is better at resolving conflicts better than I am." Jack laughed, as he walked past you.

"Thank you Jack." You smiled, he nodded his head and walked back to see the other men.

Looking back at Peter, he was slowly making his way over to you.

"So, you think I have a good head teacher voice?" He teased, which made you smile in return.

"Watch out Mr Lord." You teased further, referring to your old head master.

"I always wanted his job." He winked playfully, before reaching up slowly and touching your face gently.

Wincing at the touch slightly, he held onto your hand and led you through the sea of men, to the other side of the boat. Leaning down to the sea, he ripped a piece of his jumper and rinsed it in the cool water. Reaching across, he put the cool compress on my cheek and held it there.

"Thank you Peter." You blushed, hoping he would not notice your bright red cheeks.

"You are welcome." He breathed out, before pulling it off gently and seeing if it had made any difference. "It is still quite red. Apply it often to your cheek."

Getting me to hold it, he let go and began to walk away. Taking a deep breath in, you called out his name and it caused him to turn around.

Without saying anything else, you swiftly moved across and wrapped your arms around his shoulders and pressed your soft lips on his. He was shocked at first, but he willingly kissed back. His hands wrapped around your waist as your hand cupped his cheek.

As you both pulled away, you rested your foreheads against one another and caught your breath back.

"Wow." He breathed out, making you blush.

"I just wanted to say thank you." You stuttered.

"You kiss all the people you thank?" He teased, making you blush even more.

"Only the one." You smirked, his arms wrapping around your body.

"Oh yeah?" He pressed further. "And who is this handsome devil you are taking about?"

"His name is Peter." You giggled.

"Nice name."

"Well, his is a nice guy." You brushed his cheek gently.

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