2. Keith- No One At All

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Got a secret

Can you keep it?

Swear this one you'll save

Better lock it, in your pocket

Taking this one to the grave

I pulled down the base of my beanie to hide my ears, slipped on a mask to hide my purple skin. I breathed steadily as I looked at the bloodied body beneath me. I gave them one pill and their hand went limp. Tears were falling out of my eyes as I dragged the victim to the dock and let them plunge into the water. No one must know what I am.

If I show you then I know you

Won't tell what I said

'Cause two can keep a secret

If one of them is dead?

I rinsed my hands in the freezing water as I changed my skin color and let my hair down. I washed all the blood off my hands and then went to the cafe. I ordered then waited. An Arusian girl came up with my food, and I thanked her, picking up the pastry. A man with raven locks, purple eyes, and a red jacket came into the cafe, along with his other friends. He laughed along with them and ordered, then sat down and waited, as I did. I made eye contact with him from across the room and just sat and stared.

Why do you smile

Like you have told a secret

Now you're telling lies

I looked at the dagger that hung from his belt. The Blade Of Marmora, huh? Very, very, interesting. His eyes widened as he looked at the tattoo on my face.

'Cause you're the one to keep it

But no one keeps a secret

No one keeps a secret

I smirked and put up one finger to my mouth, making a small 'shh' noise.

Why when we do our darkest deeds

Do we tell?

He glared at me from the across the room, silently fuming. I chuckled to myself and stuck my tongue out at him, resuming to eat the pastry I had bought. I heard as he excused himself from the table and walked over to me.

They burn in our brains

Become a living hell

'Cause everyone tells

Everyone tells?

"I know who you are," he growled, grasping my hand, "You need to help us."

"Oh~ Why should I? Helping a half-galra?" I smirked, whacking his hand away.

"You are one too, okay? I should be asking you why did you kill Sendak. Why here, and now of all places?" he asked, moving closer to me. I smiled sadly.

"Alas, I can't tell you that."

Got a secret

Can you keep it?

Swear this one you'll save

Better lock it, in your pocket

Taking this one to the grave

He took me outside, and held me close.

"If it's really you, I missed you so, so much," he whispered, arms circling my waist. I hugged back with the same force, burying my face into the crook of his neck. I sighed as he let go, cupping my face with his hands.

If I show you then I know you

Won't tell what I said

He brought his face closer to mine, out breaths mingling. I grabbed a badge from my boot and stuck it onto the chest, smiling. He smirked back. We crashed our lips together and had a passionate kiss, thoughts lingering all over our minds. We both brought two daggers out from behind each of our coats and held them at each other's backs.

'Cause two can keep a secret

If one of them is dead?

A/N: Sorry for the short story! I'll make it better next time!

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