103. Paladins- Sorry Not Sorry

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Paladins x Traitor! Reader

oh my god i really want this to be in BNHA AU

i'm sorry for those who don't know the anime but WATCH IT it's sooooo good oml

and uhhhhh? kaminari isn't the traitor but WHAT IF HE WAS

i sincerely believe that toga is the one who got the info, since of her morphing quirk

and hagakura isn't the traitor bc she beats the shit out of mineta like a real hero

and also this might be a really shitty oneshot, sorry :/


I touched my yellow tipped hair, smoothing out the black streak that ran through the locks and tresses, rippling with every brush of my fingers. Everyone laid on the ground, but I was still left standing. I smirked as Keith groaned, trying to prop himself up. He'd hadn't been too effected by the shock, shame.

"Wait, (Y/N), help me up-" I stepped on his hand, curled, hearing the pop of his knuckles cracking. He looked at me in horror.

"Whey." I chuckled, pocketing my hands and grabbing his cheek, pressing a kiss against it, patting the soft yet burned skin. His violet eyes held disbelief, no signs of anger yet. God, they were stupid to think that I was the class dumbass, huh.

"This is the part where I play the idiot, right?" Keith choked on his words. I rolled my eyes, smile dropping and slammed his face into the dirt, leaning in really close to his ear, grin reappearing.

"Hey, listen here, Keith, baby, budsicle. If you really do think that I'm the stupid one, so be it. But just so you know, I've been playing with all of you. Tell that to your precious team. The UA won't be surviving as long as I'm around. You actually thought my quirk had its limits? I had a shock absorption device implanted into my body when I was nine. I can't feel anything when I use my quirk. But oh, you can. Have fun, buddy-boy." I let go of him, dusting my hands off, patted his back and stood up.

Walking over to Kurogiri and Shigaraki, I held both of my hands out. Shigaraki almost took my hand with five fingers, but I retracted, curling my lip. I clicked my tongue and helped Kurogiri up.

"Ah, ah, ah, you know the rules Shigaraki. Pinky up." I demonstrated with my hand and nodded in satisfaction when the bluenette did it correctly. His posture was more bent than usual, and both the males were rubbing their sore muscles.

"You could've done it a little bit lesser, shithead," he spat, massaging the tense fibers of his arms. I imitated him mockingly, making little gibberish talk out of everything, using my hand as a mouth.

"Yeah, yeah, but thanks to me, we wouldn't have knocked all of them out, so stop complaining. I know you're the big man and all, but I did all the work, buster." My half-lidded eyes viewed the premises as I checked the maps I had downloaded and connected to a drone flying over the city. I swiped the air, looking at a close up of moving figures. I'd connected a tracking device to every pro hero I'd encountered, so I would know their exact location, updating on the daily.

"Pro heroes are coming soon, we gotta scram, Kurogiri. They can't know that we're the ones who caused this. They'll hunt us down like last time. Back to the bar." The wisp of a man nodded, opening up a portal.


"So now what? You can't go back to the UA anymore (L/N)." I shrugged, gulping down my glass of water, wiping my lips, electricity crackling in between my fingertips. I rolled my eyes and looked at Dabi, his toned down blue eyes half-lidded as always.

"I don't care. All of them were annoying anyways. Really, did you actually expect me to like it over there? Please. Nothing but training and boosting kids' confidences to seem like they had a future. Pathetic. When we had to move into the dorms, it was absolutely exhausting. To be quite honest, none of them were even close to achieving the real title of a hero. Everyone was just as biased as my ass is to a seat." I huffed, chugging down another glass of water as everyone listened to me.

"We haven't seen you in a while, so it's nice for you to finally be back," Kurogiri commented, washing glasses from behind the counter. I smiled lightly, nodding towards the father of the group.

"Thanks. But don't we have a party to crash? Or is that in an hour? I keep forgetting. Even with the stupid absorb tool, my brain still short-circuits a little. Pardon that please." Spinster spoke up, looking at me while words flowed out of his mouth.

"I don't think we have anything else for the night, according to my memory, if that serves the best." I nodded, in deep thought. I suddenly felt someone move from behind me.

"Shigaraki, excuse you." I didn't need to look behind to recognize his patterns of movement. The bluenette stopped. I could feel his red eyes bearing into my back, intensity levels increasing with every passing moment. The others were confused, I could tell. Apparently they don't know what's going on.

"Since when did you become the damn leader of the organization?" he snarled, hands curled into fists. I just laughed and turned 180 degrees, now facing him.

"I'm not the leader, nor did I say there was one. Are you implying that you are?" My face crept with a smile as the villains all turned to him, either staring or just waiting for an answer.

"No." Knowing that he was nervous, I had the upper hand. Crossing my legs, I leaned against the counter, back hunched and arms propping myself up.

"So sorry for stealing your spotlight, darling. I'll just hop off and stand where you are. C'mon, you can sit." I scooted off the seat, allowing for him to pass. I grabbed his hand when it suddenly moved to my thigh, glaring at him with a glint in my eye, almost shining with danger and anticipation. My eminent grin dropped, replaced with a look of a killer.

"Know that if you even get all five fingers on me, I will not hesitate to fry your brain into a crisp, you hear?" No response, so I took that as a yes, and let go, a smile coming back onto my face. Shigaraki was talking when my watch beeped. Everyone turned to me with questioning glances, eyebrows raised.

"The pros are within a one mile radius of us. We have thirty minutes to evacuate. We gotta go." Everyone broke into murmurs and nervous buzz.

"Wait, wait, wait, how do we even know? What if your technology is just bonkers?"

"Oh, that's funny. Yeah, my tech versus your non existent development. Would you rather have a fucking smackdown or get the hell out of here and have a chance at freedom?" Everyone didn't hesitate to take a second option.

"Alright, grab everything and let's leave the joint. C'mon, coats, bags, whatever. Kurogiri can take us where we need in a heartbeat. Bust a move, everyone, let's head out." The villains went for a mad scramble for their things, and soon enough, we were out of there.


The pros finally busted in with some of the students who had obtained their licences already. To their surprise, the place was empty, no remains of villains anywhere.

"What-" Shiro breathed, in complete and utter disbelief. "Where did they go? Where is (Y/N)?" Keith and the others were just as flabbergasted, looking around, picking at the remnants of the old base. The red-themed hero looked out the windows, eyes creased with painful emotions.

"Where did you go? Please... come back."

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