109. Lance- Livid

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(ugh i hate myself but what if Lance had multiple identity disorder??? and he never told anyone????)


"You don't know how I feel!" I screamed, slamming against the wall. "You don't know what I'm going through, and most of all, you're a goddamn liar, Lance! Why are you doing this?" He didn't say anything with downcast eyes, and just stood, turned on his heel, then left. I chased after him and grabbed his arm.

"Don't you have anything to say?" I shouted, pulling on his sleeve. "Don't you have anything to say?" He wheeled around and yanked his arm away, brown eyes glaring at me, pools lit up with utter ferocity. I flinched, pulling back a little. He raised his hand and I closed my eyes, preparing for the slap to come. It never did.

Soon, he was at my feet, groveling and sobbing. I was shocked. Not even a few seconds ago he was enraged, completely blown over with some sort of anger.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He kept repeating that for the next few minutes, despite my efforts to try and calm him down.

"It's okay, it's okay," I murmured, frightened at his reaction. "Everything will be fine, sweetie." After an hour, he'd cried himself to sleep, laying on the floor. I knew I couldn't lift him, so I just draped a blanket over the boy and let him rest, slipping a pillow under his head.

"I need to tell the others."


"This might be a case of dissociative identity disorder." I raised an eyebrow and leaned forwards, elbows resting on my knees.

"How can you be so sure?" Shiro looked up, eyebrows furrowed, face in a noticeable frown.

"I've had experience with the symptoms. I've had to have a degree in psychotherapy in order to become a Commander, dealing with all the craziness that goes up in space, preventing each other from going insane. Quite a few of my colleagues had grown a few different 'friends' of their own without them even knowing."

Allura seemed particularly fazed, her face displaying one of pure horror and shock at what was being explained.

"But Lance couldn't have, right? He's always such a chill guy. I've known him for a long time and I honestly don't think he could have..." Hunk commented, wringing his hands together. "But I don't want it to be true. I'm not the one with the degree, and I don't know about this. Maybe we'll have to gather more evidence." Pidge nodded and started to hack away at her computer.

"I've actually set up a pretty small robot that can lift things almost 100 times its weight, and it has a camera attached to it. With that, we can scout in Lance's room, since he's asleep." Everyone quickly gathered around as Pidge sent the robot to do the work, quietly scuttling across the floor, and into the paladin's room.

"Okay, we're in. Where should I look first?" Hunk hummed and pointed to the drawers.

"Look there. It's usually where people put stuff that they don't want anyone to know about." Pidge's robot crawled in, but only found empty candy wrappers and guitar chips.

"Nope." Keith, who had been quiet all this time, perked up.

"Under his pillow."

"Why would we look there?" He shrugged and looked back at the screen.

"Just a hunch." Pidge fixed her glasses and huffed.

"Worth a shot." The small mechanical pet flipped over Lance's blue pillow, and sure enough, a journal was uncovered.

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