84. Lotor- Find

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S6 spoilers

more lotor bc i love him

i'm gonna cry

and i'm heartbroken

and the fucking picture above

save me

i'm crying


Lotor x Half Galra! Reader


Romelle and Sven are going to probably get married of be girlfriend/boyfriend. In the '80s Voltron show, both Sven and Romelle were VERY close to each other and were like lovers.

Sven will come back.

And holy shit Lotor isn't dead. I think he's going to come back with the other Alteans from the other reality and start a war.





I wasn't expecting this.

All the bloodshed, and all of the war going on within our people.

And him. A Galra, coming into our reality. And I could tell that he had Altean blood running through his veins. I beckoned for Slav and Sven to come over and investigate the broken down robot.

"We must hurry. The Alteans must have heard the explosion and will come soon. I will gather the Galran and you two ransack the ship. Search for any valuables."



I still had my helmet on while I was on guard when the Galran man woke up, struggling against his bonds.

"Where am I?" he demanded, furious. I took a sip of my nunvil and sighed, putting it down on the table.

"You're at the Guns of Gamora base."

"Who are you and why did you bring me here?!"

"You're lucky that we found your ship and the Alteans didn't. They would've killed you just like that," I said, snapping my fingers. He stayed silent, looking around the room.

"Alteans... in another reality?"

"Yeah. And what I've heard, in your reality, it's the other way around," I scoffed. "Galra killing Alteans just because some blood-thirsty leader said so."

"I agree, that man was ruthless. But I can help you stop the Alteans-"

"Cut the shit. I know that you're half-Altean." He paused.


"I can tell. What Galran would have blue eyes and white hair? You're a descendant of Altean royalty."

"How- How do you know that?" I sighed and pulled my helmet down, letting the long locks of white hair I had, and my lavender skin show.

"Because I'm one of you."


"Unchain me." I groaned and rubbed my temples.

"You never learn, do you?" I moaned in annoyance. "If you want out of here, answer my questions. It's not that hard. I need a drink, oh my gods."

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