75. Sendak- Promposal

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Human! Sendak x Human! Reader

Highschool AU

The contest is ending today, at 11:59 pm Pacific West Coast Time! If you want to submit an entry, rules are at the bottom!


Sendak was the basic bitch jock at our school. Popular with the ladies, involved in basketball, football, and despised nerds like me. But somehow I found myself wound up loving him.

I sighed and packed up my things and left the classroom, hearing the bell ring. I met up with my brother, Thace in the hallway.

"Hi," I greeted, waving. He smiled and waved back.

"How was Alfor's class?" he asked, ruffling my hair. I laughed.

"The old geezer sure has a knack for alchemy, that's all I can say," I replied, rolling my eyes. Thace laughed and guided me to our table for lunch.

"Hey Kolivan, Ulaz, Antok," I said, smiling. They all waved at Thace and I as we sat down to eat.

"Hey nerds!" Prorok yelled, "Having fun at your little convention center for dweebs?!" I growled and abruptly stood up.

"How many times do we have to tell you we fucking hate your guts?!" I screamed back, balling up my fists. Haxus joined in on the name-calling.

"Did you hear something Prorok? Sounded like a rat was talking," he sneered, smirking at me. I was about to retort something back when Sendak stepped in.

"That's enough," Sendak said firmly, glaring at the two limp noodles. They whispered something and ran off. The man with the eyepatch finally looked at me, smiling a little.

"Sorry about that."

"I-It's fine, it's fine, Sendak."

"They don't usually act like this." I smirked.

"Well, they do around us."

"Who is this 'us?'" Sendak asked. I pointed to my lunch table, with all my friends.

"The Blade of Marmora. We're a group seeking to lower government suppression against people in poverty."

"...Interesting," the male commented. I smiled.

"Glad you think so. Thanks for stepping in."

"My pleasure."

"See you around, Sendak."


Prom was coming up and I didn't know what to do, since I don't think anyone liked me. I was planning on going to prom with Thace, since I don't think he got asked out either.

I entered homeroom, thinking about the situation. I looked up and no one was there.

What the hell? I noticed some writing on the chalkboard and went to inspect.

"Go to the parking lot." Huh. I wonder if the staff are in on this too. Maybe. I walked outside and was surprised that no one was there.

"Geez, what a cruel fucking way to prank people," I muttered, furrowing my eyebrows and scrunching up my nose. I felt a tap on my shoulder as I was handed one single rose from none other than Thace.

"I hope the best for you." Ulaz came down next and kissed my hand, handing me my second.

"I hope the best for me too." Kolivan and Antok then came striding down alongside each other.

"But if you could let me in,"

"We could be more beautiful." Soon enough, I had two dozen roses in my hands. I was crying at this point.

"Together, we wouldn't have to be scared of the dark."

"We could even make the light."

"But from using the trust from your brother,"

"The bonds with your friends,"

"And my love for you..."

"Will you go to prom with me?" Sendak finished, grinning as he held a small tiara in his hands. I sobbed and tackled him in a hug.

"Oh my quiznack, Sendak, yes!" I cried, crying tears of joy. "Of course I will!" We both smiled like idiots as our homeroom cheered and whooped for us.

"Finally! God!" someone yelled from the crowd. I blushed and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Thank you for all of this, Sendak."

"Anything for you."




1) You may not copy any of my oneshots. Period.

2) You have to come up with an amazing original idea, to make sure you blow me away!

3) Please do your best! I love seeing all your creative plots and pyramids of words!

4) Keep it PG 13 please!

5) Yes, ships are allowed! (Ex. Klance, Sheith, etc.) But you can also do "x Readers!"

6) I will be choosing two winners, and will feature their oneshots in this book, along with a tag, and a follow by me! (If I already follow you, well... Uhh, YOU GET A TAG AND A MENTION HAHA)

7) Do not steal other's work. Don't copy and paste a oneshot from another book. (Unless it's your own.)

8) DM me when you are done, in case I don't get a notification that you tagged me. If you don't, I will not include your short story in the competition. (Sorry!) State your purpose for DM-ing me, and paste a link to your story/chapter.

9) Please make sure you follow all these rules, since I don't want to have to kick anyone out! :)

10) The deadline is May 20th!

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