chapter one

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"You're just like your mother."

"You're such a disappointment."

"Why don't you just die?"

I scream as my eyes shoot open. I look around to find myself sitting up in my bed, and the comforter that was once on my body has fallen off of me and onto the ground in the course of the night. My breathing is uneasy, and I have morning bed head. I'm a sweaty mess, and I feel as though I must've been tossing and turning all night.

It was just another nightmare. It's all over now. . . I've already started off the school week with another nightmare. I suppose I should be used to this though. I have them often.

As my breathing eases, I glance at the clock only to scoff at the time. There's ten minutes until my alarm is supposed to go off, and I've woken up before my desired time. I didn't get very much sleep, so this is wonderful. There's no point to fall back asleep not even if I just want to curl up in a ball and cry to myself until I'm unconscious in a blissful rest.

I bring my legs over to the side of the bed and push myself off until I can feel the cold wood in the full length of my feet. I look down at the comforter on the floor and place it back on my bed where it belongs. I walk to my closest leaving my bed the way it is. There's no need to make it, I see no point. My bed is only going to become messy again. Besides, who do I have to please? The Queen of England? Oh, please.

I grab my uniform and slip it on. All those stupid preppy girls have their makeup be light and full of pretty colors, and I'm the opposite. I've been told before that with makeup I look much older than I should. Does it look like I give a damn? No. I've also been told I've swear too much, but I don't care about that either.

I look into my cracked mirror and my hand goes up to my eye. My left eye is bruised from father's punch he gave me last night. He came home drunk once again. It's the first time he's come home in two weeks, so I'm surprised he came home at all. I should feel honored, but I don't. I know he's just going to be gone once I get back from school. Dad of the year award goes to my father, Micheal L/N.

My father oftentimes gets drunk, and he normally doesn't come home. He crashes at one of his friend's houses or some chick he's going to have sex with. That's his 'business.' He slums it up with random chicks that he has sex with for one night and never talks to them again.

That's when I hear the sound of something hitting against the glass of my window repeatedly. I squint at the glass to see tiny pebbles thrown against it. I knew instantly it was Gene. He thinks he's too cool to walk to someone's front door and feels the need to make an entrance to everything. But then again, I don't blame him. I wouldn't want to see my father first thing in the morning either.

I walk over to my window and open it up as I look down at my best friends. The wind picks up my hair and makes it do a little dance with twists and twirls.

Gene stands there smirking. "Hurry up buttercup!" He knows I hate when he calls me that, so he continues to replace my name with that. It's extremely annoying.

I roll my eyes, and Zenix throws a rock at my window again, and I clumsily have to catch it. I quickly throw the rock back at Zenix's head and glare. "What the hell bro?! The damn window is already open!"

I pop my head back inside my cold ass room and soon the window slams shut. I grab my hairbrush and begin to brush out the knots in my hair as I slip my stupid flats on my feet.

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