chapter eleven

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"And once again Phoenix Drop High wins with the winning point made by quarterback Laurance Zvahl! Go phoenixes!"

I smile as Laurance gets lifted up by his teammates. His eyes lock with mine, and he smiles. Truth be told, when something changed between us, it was my feelings towards him. I told myself I would never lile him, but I lied. I like Laurance Zvahl. I have a crush on Laurance Zvahl.

I watch as all the people in the stands make their way off the bleachers and onto the pavement below. They remain talking, and only a few people remain on the bleachers, most of those people being the opponent's family members.

I slowly walk down the bleachers, after sitting at the very top, and walk over to the fence to see the cheerleaders packing up. Aphmau slips on her jacket before noticing me. Laurance's jersey goes past my shorts, and the material brushes against my thighs.

"Hey Y/N!" She waves her hand in the air dramatically. She's obviously excited over the win, so her voice jumps an entire octave with the two words. It's truly fascinating that she can do that.

"Hello Aphmau," I reply calmly, and Alex turns around to see me.

"Hey," Lilith and Vylad walk by holding hands. "Hey V!" We watch as they pass by without acknowledging either of us. Wow, he actually ghosted us. "Wow. . . That was new," She leads against the fence. "Happy for Laurance and the win? People from college or something can by to watch the players today. I think they saw one of his best days, don't you think?"

"I haven't been to all his football games Alex, but I do think he did remarkable." Liam jumps the fence and wraps his arm around her waist. She bites her lips and stares up at me. Why is she even dating him? Wait. . .Are they even dating? "Hey, I'm going to go find Laurance. He has my paper."

"Laur Baby?" I cringe at the nickname. Where do you find these people? "He was reading your paper thingy earlier today. He's still in the locker room. Why don't you go get it from him?"

I nod my head and begin to walks towards the school. I'm not stupid, I'm going to wait outside the entrance for him. As I walk away I hear quiet 'please don't touch me's, and 'I told you we're not dating already'. I never liked Liam anyway. He's too stupid for my taste. Laurance walks out of the building, hair wet, and paper flapping in his right hand. My paper. . .

I stop walking, and even if my feet tell me to continue, I can't. He pulls me into a hug, and I'm lifted into the air with my feet dangling.

"They saw me and congratulated me and everything." I ingore his terrible word choice and grammar and pat his back.

"Congratulations Laurance. Alex told me that they were coming out to watch the game. It appears this was one of your best games."

I'm set back down on my feet, and the smile on Laurance's face refuses to leave. I knew he loved football, but what about soccer? Isn't he the captain for that? I decide it's best not to bring it up, and he leans down and kisses my cheek.

His eyes widen once he realizes what he's done. "I-I'm so sorry Y/N." My hand rises to my cheek, and I lightly stroke it once. The stutters coming out of his mouth surprise me. "I didn't—fuck, I'm so stupid."

He runs his hand through his hair, and I rest my hand on top of his shoulder. "No," I say. "It's fine."


It's been a week since Laurance kissed my cheek, and we haven't talked since. I've tried to talk to him, but once Wednesday came around, I gave up. I didn't even go to the game on Friday. It was obvious he wasn't going to talk to me anytime soon.

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