chapter two

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By the time I meet the other three under the bleachers the bell has already rung singling the start of first hour. Gene looks at me funny as if I had a huge rat sitting on the top of my head. "You're here later than normal," he tells me.

I sit next to Gene and roll my eyes, deeply annoyed as I didn't care much for the conversation at hand. "Laurance stopped by for a chat. Hey Zenix, you got any food?"

I end up getting a candy bar thrown at my head. And even though this isn't actual food, I take it nonetheless. I've given up on asking Zenix why he has food in his pockets sometimes because he gives it to me to shut up. I'm curious to know if it'd work the other way around. . .

Gene takes the candy bar out of my hands and holds it above my head as she slowly begins to stand up. He ignores my protests, and he continues to stand up. He's older and taller than me. I'm no match for him. Therefore, I end up giving up with time.

"Laurance stopped by for a chat?" His blue eyes darken at the name of Laurance. I know about Laurance joining of the Shadow Knights last year and quitting not too long afterwards. Even though I didn't join until recently, I've heard stories from Sasha. Sasha can be quite talkative when she wants to be and Zenix isn't around.

The funny things is, I've been friends with these guys for a long time. Zenix lives close by so as a child I would play with him. Well that was when my father cared, and my mother was still here. They never let me join the group until recently because they wanted me to go to school to gain a decent education and not ditch. I know they just didn't want to teach me anything. They're intelligent. At least, I know both Gene and Sasha are. I just question about Zenix at times. Gene continuously makes the excuse that they're smart but the school has nothing to teach them that they'd want to learn.

"Yes, he stopped by for a chat," I say nonchalantly, rolling my eyes as the thought of the candy bar becomes a dream, and the thought of having at least something in my stomach vanishes. "It's not a big deal."

"What was this 'chat' about?"

I roll my eyes. "I'll tell you if I get my damn candy bar back." He nods his head and I continue. "My skateboard fell out of my locker and he gave it to me. I told him to get lost, and lied to him. Simple. Now, candy bar me."

He drops the candy bar on the dirt and places his foot on top of it, making it one with the earth beneath with his foot. "We'll get you some real food."

Did he know when the past time I ate was? It's been almost twenty four hours now, so that candy bar was like my lifeline. I'm hungry.


Some days they force me to go back to school after lunch, and today is one of those days. I'm fed, so I'm slightly less cranky, but I'm still cranky nonetheless because I'm here instead of being with my friends.

I drum my fingers along the surface of my desk with a bored expression upon my face. I can't help but wonder what the other three are doing right now. Sasha is probably yelling at Zenix while Gene is out and about, or they're laughing at me being stuck in a classroom full of morons.

The teacher in front of me lets his lip move repeatedly as if I was actually paying attention to a word he's saying, his eyes darting up and down from a sheet of paper in his hand.

"Y/N and Laurance."

I look up at my teacher once my name is called. Laurance and I? What? Mr. Candace continues to call out pairs of names, and I figure we're doing partner work. Great, Laurance is my partner too. And even better, I could've gotten out of this if it weren't for Gene forcing me to come into the building and go to my afternoon classes.

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