chapter thirteen

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Months have passed since Laurance and I had gotten together, and I couldn't be more happier.

Of course before all of this ever happened, I was anti-Laurance, or even anti-anything that associated with Laurance.

The day dad, I consider Diana and Flinn my parents now, gave Laurance his 'blessing' to date me, Laurance took us on a very unplanned chaotic date.

Once the school found out about our relationship, that was the talk of the school. That was until the next relationship came, and they gawked at the younger couple.

It is now soccer session, and I laugh as Laurance runs up to the stands to me.

"Before I have to play, I want a kiss good luck," he says, and I lean in giving him a small kiss. "I'll see you after the game!" Laurance looks proud of himself and begins to run off. I can't help but giggle at this.

Vylad, who I never knew liked soccer until now, pats Laurance's back as they both run to the center of the field. The numbers '7' and '24' rest under the two last names 'Ro'meave' and 'Zvahl.' Twenty four, Laurance's soccer jersey number, is the same exact number as his football number. I don't know much about soccer, but I do know him being captain is an amazing thing, and I couldn't be anymore happier for him.

Alex stands up and leans slightly over the fence. "Kick some ass you two!" Alex yells, and she gains a few looks from other people around her. The two boys stare at her for a second before she continues. "Go Phoenixes!"

I laugh as her little cheerleader side takes over, and I cheer as the game begins. It's the first game of the session, and nearly the entire school is here to support then.

Liam, the same guy I finally stopped calling Luke, slips between Alex and I.

"Mind if I sit there?" He points next to Alex, and she nods hesitantly. Alex scoots a little closer to me.

"Isn't the first softball game coming up soon?" She asks me.

"Yeah," I reply. I joined softball a little while back because people thought that it'd be good for me. I'm enjoying it for the most part, and I'm one of their starting pitchers. "On Thursday, it's home."

"We'll be there," she says.

Alex has done softball before, so  she knows what's happening within a game. . . unlike Laurance who just assumes that everything is exactly like baseball.

The game soon finishes with a win for Phoenix Drop High, and the final game score being 14 - 8.

Laurance runs up the stands to me. I'm pulled into a hug, and even though I try to, I can't get out of his grip.

"Please let me go and change or something. You smell like sweat terribly."

He begins to whine until I walk away. He gives up and starts to walk towards the school back to the locker room.


The team goes out to celebrate, and all the girlfriends are brought as well. A few other people join, including Garroth, and we take up a good portion of the park we're at.

It's hot out, and it begins to make me want ice cream. I tug on Laurance's sleeve and inform him of my craving, and the next thing I know is that we're all going to get ice cream. By the time we make it there I see a few fellow freshmen girls sprint inside, leaving the older boys behind.

I laugh, and I soon feel Laurance's arm around my waist pulling me closer to him. We walk into the little ice cream parlor, and I see the few freshmen girls complaining to their boyfriends.

"Which kind babe?" He asks me, and I glance over the many selections of ice cream until I point to the one I want.

"I want that one."

He smirks. "I want that too."

He take the rest of our order, and we're soon forced to wait for it to be made.

Over the small course of time I have been with Laurance for friendship and a relationship, I've slowly changed. But for the best.

I still hang out with the Shadow Knights, Sasha's my sister for Irene's sake, but even then I'm shown as if I've gone soft. I'm more compassionate towards people, and I'm not a 'bad girl' like I was before.

The change of atmosphere I've had since I moved away from Michael, my ex-father, has changed me.

Laurance hands me my ice cream, and then I sit next to him and rest my head upon his shoulder. He places a small kiss against my forehead, and I smile lightly.

"Thank you Laurance," I mumble.

"It's just ice cream. It's no big deal."

I shake my head and look at him lifting myself from off his shoulder. "It's not just the ice cream, I'm thankful for that too, but I want to thank you for everything you've done. Thank you for changing me for the better. And I. . . I love you."

"I love you too, Y/N. Thank you for changing me for the best too."

When all this first happened, I felt as though we were completely different, and he wouldn't know pain even if it bit him in the butt. But after everything we've even through together, I can see that we're not in two different worlds after all.

I love you Laurance Zvahl, and thank you for everything you've done. I guess that project wasn't that bad after all.

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