chapter four

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By the time Monday rolls around, I'm already tired. Normally when I'm like this Gene has me take a nap by the lake in the park, but I can't do that today. I promised Laurance I would attend a full day of school, and even if I'm a bad girl, I hate breaking promises. Too many promises have been broken for me, and I hate breaking other peoples promises I give them.

Laurance told me he'd pick me up, but to look for a different car because it's Cadenza's, his older sister, turn to drive the three of them to school. Well, make it four of us now. At least for today.

When I told Gene on Friday night about me almost getting raped, rage burned within him. I haven't truly seen him that angry in quite a while. While I hung out with the Shadow Knights on Saturday, which Laurance joined us, I was babied more than normal. I think Laurance saw a different side of the Shadow Knights on Saturday that he's never seen before. He was even thanked for saving me.

I decided since I'm hanging out with the 'populars' today I may as well look remotely decent. Though, my version of remotely decent is putting my hair up in a messy bun. I'm lazy, and my hair is down.

My mirror is still cracked, and I don't expect my father to buy me a new one anytime soon. Just like how he doesn't expect me to call him 'dad' anytime soon. It's sad, but this is what my life has come to. Too much has happened for him to be considered my 'dad.' He May have helped bring me into this world, but he doesn't deserve to be called my dad.

My cue that my ride to school is here once I hear the sound of a car horn.

Father isn't home, so I'm safe to walk out the front door. I'm not afraid of him, hell no, I just can't stand to look at who he has become. I slip on my shoes and surprisingly I had time to eat breakfast this morning so I can't steal any candy bars from Zenix today. In fact, I don't think I'll seeing them that often today.

I hop into the backseat next to Laurance, and he gives me a warm smile. I return it with my normal weak smile.

He leans over into my ear and begans to whisper,m. "Garroth said he won't tell anyone about what happened Friday," he tells me.

I nod my head once he pulls away.

"Is anybody excited for school today?" Cadenza had an English accent when she talked. It reminded me of Garroth.

I simply shrug as I look out the window. I wave as Gene, Sasha, and Zenix once we drive passed them.

I can hear the three siblings talking with one another, and I decide to keep my mouth shut. I don't need to be thrown off the car before we even reach the school. So instead of talking, I decide to listen to my music.

I'm lucky if I can remember what class goes before which class. I don't go to my morning classes, and only sometimes I go to my afternoon classes, but that's seldom.

Laurance begins to tap on my shoulder, and I finally look over in his direction. I take one of my ear buds out.

"What class do you have first?"

"Um. . . math with Mrs. Frank I think. . . ?" It sounded more like a question than an answer, but I didn't care.

"Oh, I don't have that class. Alex will go with you then."

I rip my ear buds out from my ears, letting them fall against my lap. My music comes out as weird sounds and recognizing what the lyrics were was probable if you tried hard enough. "I don't need babysitting by a-how old are you?" I turn to Alex and she peaks her head from the side of the passenger seat.


"Thirteen? How the hell are you in high school?!"

She slowly begins to go back to sitting normal. "I was moved up a grade. . ."

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