chapter five

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Laurance taps his fingers on the steering wheel pretending to be the drumer in the song. At least, that's what I thought he was doing. I wasn't really paying attention.

The papers in my hands began to wrinkle a little bit from my hands grip upon them. As well as them being a little moist from my sweaty hands. I am a little nervous about this, and I'm not afraid to admit it. My father isn't the most easy going man.

Laurance glances over by me and smiles, "Care to tell me why you're so happy about those papers?"

I instantly begin to glare at the side of his head. He ruined my good mood, which often times is ruined by anyone who isn't a Shadow Knight, and now I most likely won't get it back.

"Shut up," I spat out at him.

He takes one hand off the wheel and snaps it out. It was like when you let your hand be com dead weight and flap it up and down to here the cracking noise that your wrist makes. It was that fast as a flick of his wrist. His hand lied their limp on his wrist, and his fingers curled slightly.

"Why are you being so rude?!" He exclaims as he slams his hand back onto the steering wheel.

"Because I'm partnered up with you in this stupid project! I never asked to do this you know."

"This entire project is meant to meet someone knew, or even or even see if it can change a relationship," he says as she slowly calls down. Myself on the other hand is still a flaming ball of fire.

"Laurance Zvahl, you will never know me."

His sly smirk on his face makes we want to walk up to him and slap the living daylights out of him.

"That's what you think. A lot can happen in the course of two weeks."

That's true, but a lot can be prevented in the course of two weeks by me.

The ride became silent after our sudden outbursts.


He brought me up to his room and I just sat there on his bed with my back agaisnt the way, ans my arms crossed over my chest. I wanted nothing to do with him, and I definitely didn't want to talk.

Laurance Zvahl cares and is hardworking. However, he tends to be a total ass constantly to everyone he meets. That sounds like a good paper, don't you think so?

He sat on the floor staring at a wall. He acts so immature, but then again so am I. I however, am not changing for the likes of him nor this project. This project was to she if the relationship could change, not that it had to change.

I get up from his bed and grab my backpack. I slip the backpack on over my shoulder and walk over to the window. I stare back at Laurance and glare. "I'm leaving," I hiss and climb out the window.

It's becoming darker and it's a long walk. I pull out my phone and see that it's already 7:42 and I call Zenix to come pick me up. About five minutes later he arrives and I hop in the passenger seat. I look out the window to see Laurance looking out his bedroom window confused. I roll down the window and flip him off. Soon after that Zenix begins to drive back fo oh street.

Zenix sighs, "What'd he so this time?" Zenix can be smart when he's not completely stupid.

I look out my window as I rest my chin against my hand. I huff out an answer, "I don't want to talk about it."

Zenix nods his head and continues to drive.


I walk down the stairs to see father sitting on the couch nearly asleep. I walk over to him with the papers behind my back, but I make sure to keep my distance from him.


His head snaps up as he take a quick deep breath. That's when he sees me and frowns. "Oh, it's just you," he says as he turns his attention back to the TV.

I won't lie and say it didn't hurt, because it did. I always think that I should be used to this by now, and that it's no big deal, but it is. It is a big deal and I can't ever wrap my head around the fact that the father I used to have have turned into this. I suppose I may just be selfish, or even overreacting, but I'm sick of getting hurt. I'm sick if being in pain.

He glances back in my direction, "Why are you still here? Leave damn it!" I bring the papers out from being behind my backs and he just looks at them. "What the hell are those you ungreatful brat?"

"Adoption papers. Sasha's parents wish to adopt me, and I wish the same as well."

He laughs at me, "But I enjoy you're company sweetheart. Your pain amuses me."

"I don't know who you are anymore, but I do know for sure that you're not the same father I used to love. I can't even look at you anymore. I don't even love you. I don't even like you anymore. If you ever loved me, please just sign these damn papers! No child deserves to live like this, not even me."

He rolls his eyes and glares at me. I felt like he was trying to read me, or even look into my soul. His eyes are dull and cold. In fact, his stare scares me.

He begins to speak. "Get me a damn pen," I go and give him a pen, and he rips both the papers and the pen out of my hands. He signs all he needs to sign and pushes the papers into my chest. "You have the next two days to get all of your shit out of my house."

I nod my head and decide to go to Sasha's. I walk over to the front door and over it only to look back, "Goodbye father."

He waves his hand in a dismissive way, "Yeah whatever, leave already."

That's exactly what I did.

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