chapter six

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I ran. I ran all the way to Sasha's house as the papers moved through the wind because of my hand. I didn't mind that the papers were being bent, or even a bit wrinkly. I couldn't get over the fact I was getting a real family. I can't get over the fact that I'm actually happy.

I make it to the Sasha's house. My fist hovers over the door. The same door that blocks me from my new family. I finally knock on the object and Sasha answers it.

"Hell-"I cut her off with my hug, and a few seconds later she begins to awkwardly pat my back.

"I have the papers signed Sasha."

She breaks the hug and smiles and takes my hand into the living room. Her parents are sitting on the couch, and her brother is at the end of the couch on what I assume is a DS. Her mother looks up from her book and waves to me as she smiles softly. Her father pauses the TV and nods his head to me.

I shift my feet further apart, and I bring the papers out to the front of me. "I have the papers signed if you still don't mind me being here," I say, smiling meekly. I haven't had to talk that politely before, so it may be the different atmosphere.

Fath-Micheal's house is gloomy and grey. Being here it feels homey and full of love. This is something I'll have to get used to, but I'm up for that.

I watch as both of Sasha's parents get up and pull me into a hug, and I wiggle around slightly due to being uncomfortable.

"Mom, dad, Y/N isn't the biggest fan of hugs. You know this," Sasha says, and I feel the embrace tighten from her mother. Her mother may be small and thin, but she's strong.

"I know Sasha," Diana says. "But it's always amazing to have another member of the family with us."


It's Friday and the beginning of another school. day. Here I walk with a football player to my left, and a cheerleader to my right. It's a big game and a big day.

Laurance walks with confidence, as he's wearing his game day jersey. A big smile is spread across his face as we walk down the hallway. A few air kisses are delivered to girls who are a giggly miss over him. Fellow members of the football team make small talk with Laurance, or slap his butt before they're both out of reach.

I suppose not going to school that often doesn't exactly tell you that tonight was the big homecoming game. I hug my books to my chest as I look forward with an emotionless face. Diana found out about homecoming and we went emergency homecoming dress shopping. Even if I was against the idea, we did it anyway. These people are making me go soft, and I don't like it.

Alex waltzes through the hallways smiling to everyone she sees. Her blonde curls bounce with each step she takes. She's wearing Laurance's practice jersey. Which this was something that supposedly normal until either one, she got a boyfriend on the football team. Two, Laurance gets a girlfriend. Three, they both get a lover. Four, someone else gives her his. Or even five, she blatantly refuses to do it anymore.

All the cheerleaders did the same thing. They wore their uniforms, and some of them even had football jerseys on. They wore their special white shoes and curled or straightened their hair and pulled it into some kind of hair style. I wouldn't be able to name them all because I'm not a hairstylest. Instead of the black lines under the football players eyes, the cheerleaders has yellow and blue painted decorations at the corner of their eyes with three silver glitter dots on top of the designs.

The day itself was boring, but excitement still managed to fill the air. I never took interest into these kind of school events, but since it's Laurance's day, I was forced to go to tonight's homecoming game.

During my study hall (which I didn't know I had), the cheerleaders had taken me into the bathroom claiming I wasn't 'homecoming out enough,' or whatever that means, and they made me look like them. A true horror story. This took about five minutes, and then they ushered me out the bathroom to the pep valley claiming 'I was ready to be a Phoenix,' and they left me all by myself. I have no idea what to do about these things, and I'm still only a freshman so I guess that's an excuse.

That's when a boy with green eyes and dark brown hair walks over to me. "Are you okay?" He asks. "You look out of place."

"I wonder why. I haven't been here long enough to know anybody."

He sticks his hand out to me and smiles. "Vylad Ro'meave. See, you know somebody. Now, I'll stick with you and we can figure this out on our own."

I smile back awkwardly and hold his hand between my thumb and forefinger and let my hand move up and down. I don't trust people, nor do I like people touching me. I guess you could say I have haphephobia or something.

He doesn't take offensive to it and starts to look around, trying to figure out what happens next.

This is going to be a long day...

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